Chapter 71

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"Did you tell him yet?", Yuna walks into the kitchen, her bed-hair messy and eyes barely open.

"About what?"

"You going to Canada for a few months"

"Oh", she sighs. "Not yet"

Yuna laughs to herself, reaching for a slice of bread as she hums to a song. "You have to tell him. He is your boyfriend for god sake, start acting like a good girlfriend and let him know. You are not even progressing at all. Did you not learn while you were in the states?"

"Why does it sound so weird", she scoops another spoon of cereal into her mouth, munching as she thinks to herself.

"You, being the girlfriend of the most eligible bachelor or you, being a freaking snail, leaving him hanging?", she teases, pulling a chair in front of her.

"I don't know"

"Look, I don't know if you're that slow or you're just confused. But it happens sometimes. You need to let him know about your feelings. I mean, I am sure he knows it already. But sometimes, a person needs that assurance the other person feels the same. He straight up and confessed to you, telling that he loves you. I mean, if you ask me, not many guys would do that. Being that bold and serious about it. I can bet he loves you as much as you do. You're putting him in a difficult situation, do you know that?"

"I am just—I don't know. I want to tell him. I really do. And now I am leaving for Canada for a few weeks, if not months. It's going to be another mess, don't you think?"

Yuna clicked her tongue as she puts up a finger, shaking her head. "Not if you tell him that you love him"


"You're a baby when it comes to this. Relationship needs assurance and trust. Don't think about Canada yet. Think about telling him about what you feel. Tell him everything. He deserves to know"

She could only sighs to herself as she listens to her sister's advice, finding it partially true at some point. It was solely his father's plan for the start, to have her manage his office in Canada so that he could go back to London and stay with her mother. It was the initial plan and now she has to do something.

"You're funny, do you know that", Yuna laughs amidst her chewing. "You're head over heels. But yet, you're so scared to tell him when he already told you he loves you"

"It's too fast"

"Nothing is too fast sweetie. Everything is falling into place just at the right time"


The 2 hours long meeting was somehow very smooth sailing, except that Taehyung struggled not to keep turning to look at Risa whom is seated across him. It was the meeting to finalize the improvisation for the new sub-divisions and to be honest, he is amazed at the way Risa and her sister work.

Both of them are knowledgeable, smart and very visionary. He likes the way they communicate, very professional and respectful—just like their father.

Putting that aside, he really did have a hard time staying focus being in the same room, and in the same meeting with her. The way he had to force himself to look at the front instead of glancing at her, occasionally shaking his head whenever his mind drifts further away from the topic.

Who would have thought he will be working with her?

Everyone, including Karin and Yuna was already leaving the meeting room thus Risa quickly packed her things when she heard a cough. Looking up she sees Taehyung gesturing her to stay put and let everyone leaves. She had to pretend to look around, bowing to everyone as they leave the room hoping that it wouldn't look obvious that she is not moving an inch from her seat.

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