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{Yoongi's POV}


"Yeah! I wanted to wait until you got home...it's kind of a lot.."

After Jungkook makes a quick call on his cell phone, Yoongi watches many men beginning to bring boxes into the apartment, his eyes widening at the size of them.

"Jungkook...what is all of this?"

"Well....Taetae Hyung and I were in a baby store trying to find a present for Maki...it was an expensive baby boutique but the woman told us she had to close down because of high rent...she was extremely behind so we gave her a deal. We gave her enough money to catch up the rent in trade for all the items in the store.."

"You're kidding me.."

"No! It's everything Hyung...clothes...shoes..toys...even baby furniture...we knew that you already had some so we figured you could sell it or something but...now...you can use it.."

Yoongi smiles and feels his entire chest bloom with warmth as he looks down at Maki while trying to hide his obvious tears.

"Hear that Maki?...your uncles got you everything you need..."

After all the boxes are delivered Yoongi sits on the floor with Maki's carseat beside him, all the boys opening different boxes.

"Wow! Look at all these baby clothes! Hyung you'll have clothes for Maki until she's a toddler!"

"Here's the crib! Jin Hyung come help me set it up!"

Jungkook and Jin quickly get to putting together the crib as Namjoon looks at a stack of boxes, his dimples on full display when he smiles.

"Hyung, you have like five carseats here!"

"I'll keep one of them and I want to donate the extra furniture to the hospital...you can tell this one they gave me for Maki has been through a lot."

"Great idea. I'll slide them by the door."

Yoongi looks over at Maki and smiles when she silently sucks on her binky, her eyelids getting heavy as she holds onto Yoongi's finger.

"Aigoo little Maki, just go to sleep. You need lots of rest. You're new and fresh to this world."

Her eyes carefully shift over to Yoongi as tears well in her eyes, the sudden smell catching him by surprise.

Oh no.

"Guys, I need a diaper."

Everyone in the room freezes and quickly scrambles around in the boxes, Jimin laying a blanket out on the floor.

"Hyung I saw this in a book! Lay Maki on here and take the diaper off!"

He was reading baby books?

Yoongi nods and quickly lays Maki down on the blanket as she begins crying hard, her binky falling out of her mouth and hitting the hardwood floor.


I hate it when she cries.

"I found wipes!"

Hobi slides the wipes over to Yoongi quickly as he tugs the straps of the diaper and pulls it off, his nose scrunching when he looks down at it.

"Holy crap Maki. Literally."

"Hyung! Maki stinks!"

"Just look for the diapers so we can get her clean!"

"Hyung it's so bad!"

"Chim focus! How do you open these wipes?!"

Yoongi's fingers tug at the plastic until he finally pops open the bag of wipes, cleaning Maki as quickly as possible.

"Goodness kid..."

His heart breaks when he once again sees her calm down and look at him with teary swollen eyes, her pouty lips pushed down by her puffy cheeks.

"Aigoo...now you're naked as a jay bird."

After wiping off her binky and popping it back in her mouth, Maki moves her hands around and grips her onsie, her eyes glancing over at Tae when he brings over the pack of diapers.

"I found some Hyung...it's only one package though..."

"That's alright Tae, thank you."

Yoongi quickly pulls a diaper out of the package and looks at it, his eyes blinking with confusion.

"How...do you put one of these on?"

All the boys grab the diaper and look at it, each one of them able to do nothing but shrug their shoulders.


How can I be a good dad if I don't know this stuff......

I can't properly take care of my daughter...

I always figured Nanami would teach me these things..

"Here, I found a video on youtube how to put on a baby diaper! Let's all watch it!"


"There we go, nice and clean. It only took three diapers."

After watching the diaper video, all the boys file out of the house and bid Yoongi their goodbyes, his hands lifting Maki into his arms as he pads around the apartment gazing at the many stacked boxes.

"Let's make you a rice bottle and relax for a while...then we can put all your pretty stuff away."

After following the video on how to make rice bottles Yoongi sits down on his bed and tenderly pushes the bottle in Maki's mouth, her eyes once again gazing up at him as she begins sucking on it.

"Ah...I hope I can be a good dad Maki....I hope I can raise you well..."

The baby's eyes finally close and she stops sucking on the bottle, her tiny chest rising up and down slowly from a soft slumber.

She's...so precious...

Yoongi sniffles and allows the tears to roll down his cheeks as he rubs her belly, a deep sigh escaping into the silent room.

I'm so scared...

What if I don't do good enough?...

What if something happens to her?...

What if she has to go through this world without me?..

I need to set up Maki's things...sitting here thinking about Nanami is depressing..

Yoongi stands up and slowly lays Maki down in the brand new crib put together by the boys, his hands tugging the tiny thin pink blanket over her.

"Alright Maki...Appa is going to set up your nursery while you're asleep...your uncles got you everything you need since your mama sold everything.."

Yoongi leaves the door cracked and flips on the lights in the living room as he sits in front of the boxes, tears lightly welling in his eyes.

I was supposed to do all of this with you Nanami....

You were supposed to be here...admiring her tiny pink socks in these boxes...

Why couldn't you have just talked to me?....

Why couldn't we have worked this out?....

You were my everything...

(A/N): The character development this story requires is insane, I promise it'll take off soon 😂

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