Special: Maki's Mischiefs

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Maki: Age 3
Haji: Age 2

"Yoongi, you need to get off the couch, the others will be here soon."

"Mmm...just a little longerrrr."

Avoiding the hands of your husband trying to tug you into his embrace on the couch you tenderly lean down and place a kiss on his cheek, his kitten like gaze still causing butterflies to flutter in your belly.

"Yoongi-Ah, the others are going to be here for dinner, you can't be laying around on the couch."

"We see the others all the time, you should just call it off and lay with me."

"We laid together for hours today Yoongi."

"Mmm...I want more."

"You're being greedy."

"You're my wife, I can be greedy."


Moving your gaze away from your husband to your son that hops down the stairs of your house your lips stretch into a wide grin when he patters over to you, his tiny arms wrapping tightly around your neck.

"I'm hungwy."

"I know Haji, we're waiting for the others to get here and your Appa to get off the couch."

"Haji! Your Appa is left without any hugs or cuddles, Eomma is forcing him to go without it!"

Pressing his puffy cheek against yours and squeezing you tighter you watch Yoongi pout at your sons loyalty to you, a defeated sigh puffing out of his chest.

"So you're abandoning Appa too."

"Appa Mama wants Uncles to come ovew!"

"Aigoo. Where am I going to get some love then?!"

"Me Appa Me!"

The three of you all turn your head at the same when you hear the tiny voice echo through the living room and your daughter come flying into the room, your brain mentally sighing when you see her stained princess dress lazily pulled over her pajama set.

I told her to get dressed in something nice.

"Aigoo! Maki!"


Diving on her fathers chest and burrowing her head in his neck you shake your head at the pair on the couch and stand up with Haji still in your arms, your hands tenderly pushing down the stray hairs on his head.

"Miss Maki, I told you to get dressed in something nice."

"Eomma I did! Look! It's my best pwincess dwess! Unca Koo will love it!"

"Miss Maki, go upstairs and get yourself properly dressed before your Uncles get here."


Lowering her head and pouting all the way up the carpeted staircase you shake your head at the toddler then look back at Yoongi who looks at you with glittering eyes, your cheeks erupting in a deep blush when he traces small circles on the back of your thigh.

"Min Yoongi."

"Min Y/N."

I should've known better than to use that one.

"You need to-"

"We're here!"

...of course.

Quickly turning your body to the crowd of boys now all poking their heads in your house you flash a slightly defeated smile their way and watch Yoongi peel himself off the couch, his hands rubbing his belly as he greets the boys with a grin.

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