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[One Month Later]


"Yes my love?"

Striding our into the living room and immediately getting flustered by Yoongi's words you look over at him holding Maki in a standing position on the couch, her tiny lips immediately stretching into a smile.




Making your way over to the pair and placing a kiss on Maki's head you look over at Yoongi who gives you a grin and tugs on your skirt, his lips pushing out into a boyish pout.

"Don't go."

"I have to go to the market we need more food. Maki is eating more solid foods so I need to get some ingredients to start making meals she can eat with us."

"Hmph...alright then..."

Cupping his cheek and pressing a small kiss on his lips you stand back up and grab your purse while slipping on your high heels, your little family standing up to send you off.

"We'll wait for you to come back."


"Eomma will be back in a little bit."

Giving the baby another kiss and sliding your arm around Yoongi's waist and hearing a tiny groan purr from the bottom of his throat.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too Yoongi, I'll see you in a bit."


Striding out of the apartment and making your way down to the lobby you follow the revolving door and enter out into the bustling busy sidewalk, your eyes looking around for the black SUV.


Looking over at the slightly familiar voice you let out a soft gasp when you see the thin woman step from the side of the building, her arms tugging the tiny sweater sleeves together.


"Are you...Yoongi's girlfriend?...."

Pulling your purse up onto your arm you step forward so you're facing the woman and cross your arms over your chest, a deep sigh escaping your chest.


"I...um...I'm sure you know who I am..."

"You're Nanami."

Shying away from you and lightly nodding Nanami pushes a long strand of dark hair behind her ear and finally moves her eyes up to meet your slightly defensive gaze.

"I um...I honestly...I-"

"Why are you here approaching me Nanami? I remember Yoongi saying that next time he sees you he will file a restraining order-"

"N-No! No I...I wasn't coming here to see Yoongi...actually I was coming here to see you."


Keeping your distance away from Nanami you take a deep breath and keep your arms crossed, your voice beginning to soften at her obviously pathetic state.

"Why do you want to talk to me?"

"...Is Yoongi happy?"

"He is."

"That's good...Yoongi deserves to be happy...he's a precious soul."

As the black SUV pulls up to the curb of the sidewalk you step back a little farther from Nanami and slide your hand onto the door handle, your lips stretching into an awkward smile.

"I have to go Nanami."

"Wait! Can...Can you just tell me one thing?"

Sighing with agitation you bite the inside of your lip and cut your eyes over at Nanami, your head sharply nodding.

"What is it."

"....What...What is the baby's name?..."

Her name...

Clicking your tongue confidently and pulling open the door to the SUV you feel a slight tug inside of your heart, a small sense of empathy stopping you from slamming the door shut.

"....Her name is Makaira."


"Japanese. Yes."

Watching the shocked expression take over Nanami's entire face your own softens and you give her a warm smile, your words coming out a little sharper than you had wanted.

"She's Japanese, so her name should reflect her heritage. Just because her mother abandoned her doesn't mean her heritage has to be taken away."

"I...I really-"

"I don't need your explanations, and please don't approach me again. Don't dwell on something just because you have a sense of guilt about it. You got your closure, and Yoongi got his. Let it go. Don't keep beating yourself up for something you can't change or control, just take it as a learning experience and make yourself better for the next person that comes along."

With that, you quickly pull the door of the SUV shut before Nanami can say anything else, your eyes watching the woman break down into tears on the side of the road as your vehicle pulls away.

....I know I didn't have to tell her Maki's name...but she shouldn't be able to sit by and think Maki's heritage is taken away just because she was a bitch.

She didn't deserve to know her name, but looking into her eyes...I can see that a small piece of her actually did care for Yoongi, and I know that he loves me...

I want her to feel like she has closure so she can move on with her life, even though what she did was wrong...she doesn't need to keep beating herself up about it.

Just as I can't beat myself up for the things of my past...I can't change anything that happened...so the only thing I can do is move on...

Leaning your back against the plush leather seat you deeply sigh and watch all the people passing you by and pull out your phone to look at the picture of Yoongi sleeping with Maki in his arms, your heart warming back up seeing your little family.

Life is funny....

Just when you think your situation is what's handed to you...you can wake up the next day and all of it is different...

The things that we want in life...sometimes you can't get...but you can get as close as possible...

A part of my heart does go out for Nanami...she was with Yoongi at a time when he was focused on his career...and she felt the pressure of the fame and fortune...instead of putting her trust in Yoongi that he'll do the right thing...

I hope she finds someone special someday and is able to have a normal family...one that doesn't put any pressure on her.

Sometimes all it takes...is love.

(A/N): Ah yes, we love emotionally mature characters

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