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Feeling your shoulder lightly being pushed your eyes flutter open and land on Yoongi's smiling face, his hand shyly waving at you when he notices you're awake.

"Sorry...I just wanted to let you know you don't have to worry about waking me up..."


"Wait time is it? Did I miss the alarm?!"

Sitting straight up in the bed you look over at the alarm clock and feel dread overcome your body as you read up and sleepy rub your eyes.

"Oh..I slept through it...I'm so sorry Yoongi.."

"No you didn't sleep through it, I came in here and turned it off so you could sleep...then I thought you would end up waking up in a panic thinking you overslept so I just had to wake you up anyway..."

Looking up at his face again you chuckle shyly and keep the comforter over your exposed legs, the emotions from last night hitting you like a train.


"Here, I made you some hot tea..."

Tenderly taking the cup from Yoongi's hands you feel a small bloom of warmth return blossom amongst the jaw clenching pain searing through your body.

"Thank you Yoongi...do you want me to make you some coffee before you leave?"

"Don't worry about it Y/N-ah, I'm going to head to work, Maki woke me up this morning crying so I put her over there in that crib and just made some tea..."

Oh...I was looking forward to making him coffee...

"Take it easy today okay? Don't worry about dinner either because I'm going to stop and grab something on my way, do you like barbecue chicken?"


He's acting strange...

"Alright then, I'll even grab something for Maki too."

"Not mashed potatoes."

His kitten lips push down into a small pout when he sits beside you on the bed, his eyes gleaming with both confusion and shyness.

"Why not?"

"Maki doesn't like mashed potatoes anymore unless they're fancy. Yoongi I'll still make her something for dinner..."

"I don't want you to have to cook anything today though, I want this to be your day off from food...since I can't exactly give you a day off from Maki..."

Is this about last night?...

"Alright, I'm heading to work, go back to sleep and get some good rest, Maki should be out for a few more hours."

Giving Yoongi a warm smile you settle back underneath of the comforter and watch him walk over to Maki's crib and give her a kiss, his eyes lightly flicking over to meet your gaze.

"Have a great day Y/N-ah."

"You too Yoongi..."

Every ounce of sadness and despair seem to leave your heart when Yoongi smiles at you and shuts the light off in the room before shutting the door, your tired eyes lightly gazing over at the steam wafting off the cup of tea.

How did he know that's my favorite tea?...


"Okay Miss Maki."


"You've got this."

With the baby book you got from the vintage store opened and sitting on the couch cushion you sit the small plastic colored cups in front of her one by one and watch her eyes catch the bright colors, determination firing in your chest.

"Come on Maki, do it like I just did."



A spark of excitement hits you at once when you watch her grab the purple cup with her fingers and wave it around a few times before you place your finger on the blue one, Mali's gaze immediately following it.

"Put that cup in here Miss Maki! You've got this!"


"Right there!"


Maki coos and let's out little squeals as she leans forward and shakily places the purple cup inside of the blue one, your hands immediately clapping happily.

"Good job Miss Maki! Just wait until we show your Appa what you're learning! He's going to be so happy!"



Looking down at Maki you lay down on your stomach and grip her tiny socks with your fingers as she wings the cups in different directions and shows off her teeth with a gummy smile.

"Maki, can you say Appa?"




Oh my god she's so cute.



You can't help but scrunch your nose and sit up while tugging her into a hug, her legs shaking and wiggling around in obvious satisfaction.


Letting out an internal sigh you set Maki back down and push your fingers through her soft black hair as she looks up as you, her hand reaching out to softly play with your sweatpants hem.

Goodness...I understand why men want children...I can't blame anyone for this...

I can't blame Jimin for just trying to get to know me...it's just such a humiliating thing to know you can never give someone something they want so badly...and...when they find out you can't...then it's even worse...


Whisking away a stray tear on your cheek you watch Maki begin petting your leg as she lays her head down on your thigh and curls up beside you, a sad smile spreading across your cheeks.

"Oh Miss Maki...I love you so much...I don't know where I would be right now without you..."


Watching her tiny hand drag across your sweatpants you reach down and rub her small back a and pick her up while sitting her in your lap, her hand now reaching up to touch your cheek.

"What are you thinking about right now Miss Maki?"

She's such an empathetic baby...usually children don't do stuff like this so early..they may coo and show the same affection you do...not that I'm an expert but still...

Leaning forward and pressing tiny kisses all over her chubby cheeks you hear Maki squeal and scrunch her nose before placing her hands on either side of your face, her eyes gazing at you with undying love and affection.



(A/N): UwU

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