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(Yoongi's POV)

The second Yoongi steps out of the apartment and closes the door with his eyes never leaving Y/N's small form he lays his back against the wall and places his hand on his heart that's beating so hard it feels it might burst right out of his chest.

Holy shit.

That just happened.



She really said she loved me...

She even said it a few times...

For the first time in many months Yoongi's mouth stretches into a wide smile and he sinks against the carpet with his knees pulled up to his chest, his eyes gazing towards the wall filled with newfound adoration and warmth.

She's so beautiful...

I've never felt this way before about a woman....the only other time I've felt something kind of like this is when Maki was first born...and that's a completely different kind of love...


Ah...I need to go to work but I just want to sit here and relish in this moment...

My daughter is safely sleeping in her crib...

Y/N is secure in my apartment wearing my T-shirt as clothing...

This is the best day of my life.

Pulling himself off of the carpet and making his way down the hall as quickly as possible to hop into the vehicle waiting for him to drive him to work, his mind suddenly wandering off to the guys.

I wonder what they're all thinking...

What do I even say?...

I guess I should apologize to Jimin...he was just acting on his emotions...

I never knew this whole time Y/N was infertile...that's why she never said much of anything about her past...

That isn't something to be ashamed of though.

Even if I didn't have Maki...I would still love Y/N just as much...it just makes it even better that I have my daughter too.

Oh...I guess that's what she means....

Poor Y/N...

When the vehicle arrives at the building Yoongi hops out and nervously makes his way to his studio while carefully looking around to see if any of the boys are there, his chest jolting with anxiety when he is met with a silent room.


I guess they must have went to film something...

"Hey Hyung."

Yoongi jumps at the sound of the small voice that emits from the corner of the practice room, his head moving over to gaze at Jimin who meets him with a somber gaze.

"Oh...hey Jimin...where is everyone?.."

"They went out for breakfast..."

"Oh...you uh...didn't go with them?..."

"Nah...I didn't want you to show up and all of us be gone...we're still a team...you know?"

Taking the spot beside Jimin on the floor Yoongi leans his back against the cool wall, tenderly placing the coffee in front of the younger male.

"Y/N made it. You should have a taste."


"I know Jimin. I know it wasn't your fault. I'm going to go into Y/N's private business, but she told me that she owes you an apology. Uh...I...I owe you one too."


"I'm really sorry I came in charging at you. I shouldn't have overstepped my bounds as your team mate and your friend. I should have approached it better instead of causing friction between us."

"I...I owe you an apology too Hyung..."

Looking over at the younger male Yoongi watches Jimin pull his knees up to his chest and keep his eyes at the floor, his somber gaze swirling with embarrassment and shame.

"I shouldn't have punched you like that...I feel so bad...I didn't mean to punch you I promise...and I would have never made Y/N walk home in the rain...she ran away from my house...but...I...I should have realized that you liked her so much Hyung. It was obvious in her eyes too that she liked you...I just got so caught up in wanting her to like me that..I ignored everything and didn't look at the bigger picture..."

He...could see it in her eyes?...

"Anytime I was with Y/N she talked about Maki...she always talked about how she was going to cook good meals...I don't know...I just wanted that too...I want a family of my own I can come home too...I'm so lonely in my house all by myself...I just wanted what you had and it was wrong of me to infringe on you..."

"Jimin-ah...you'll have your family, and you aren't all alone you do have all of us...I...I know I can't come over or go out like I used to...but once Maki gets a bit older and I can reveal her to the public just think about it! We can come over and have barbecues like we used to...and you can be Maki's favorite uncle like you already are."

Seeing the small smile that creases Jimin's face Yoongi reaches over and pats the younger males back as Jimin smiles and heaves a deep sigh.

"Will you accept my apology Hyung?"

"Only if you accept mine Jimin-ah."

"You have a deal."

Soon the two of them shake hands and stand up before the rest of the boys walk in with bags full of hot food, Yoongi's eyes widening in light surprise.

"What's all this?"

"We really tried to eat without you but Jungkook and Taehyung wouldn't shut up about how we all need to eat together so we got it all to go and decided we could all eat breakfast together in the practice room like old times."

Yoongi smiles wide watching the members set down all of the bags onto the concrete floor along with Jin's complaints about having to leave the restaurant, Taehyung's body quickly attacking Jimin's with multiple hugs.

"We couldn't eat without you guys! It wasn't the same! Our lives may be different but we're still a family!"


That's right...

No matter how far apart the world tries to pull us apart...

These are always my brothers...

(A/N): Lol this sounds like an ending line but Haru is not done yet don't you worry.

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