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{Y/N's POV}


The second the front door smacks open you and Yoongi turn your attention to the six boys barreling towards their brother, Jin being the first to quickly grab Yoongi's face and look into his eyes.

"Aigoo I can't believe she showed up here! How dare she come around my precious niece!"

"H-Hyung I'm fine I'm-"

"Yoongi Hyung! She didn't see Maki did she? Do we need to track her down and erase her memories?!"

"Taehyung-ah that isn't possible...but no she didn't see Maki at all.."

At those words the room seems to settle down and the boys begin putting multiple bags of food and beer up on the counter with appalled expressions, your eyes trailing over to meet Yoongi's gaze that seems to glitter with love and affection.

"You guys....thanks..."

"Of course Yoongi Hyung! What she did to you was the worst! Plus what she did to Maki too! Her strong tough uncles need to make sure to take care of her."


Giggling to yourself and watching Yoongi slowly melt into the crowd of boys that sit on the couch you hand all of them a beer then step into the kitchen, a small sense of awkwardness blooming in your chest.

Don't feel like this Y/N...it's Yoongi's brothers...

Tenderly gazing over to a small mirror sitting on the counter you reach up and touch the features of your face, your heart slightly dropping to your stomach.

...Nanami was so beautiful...her features were perfect....

"You know, everything about Nanami is fake right?"

Quickly turning towards the voice you see Jimin places at one of the barstools with his chin resting in his hand and you shy away, your eyes flicking down to look at the floor.

"I...I just..."

"You have nothing to be self conscious about Y/N-ah, everything about Nanami isn't her, when she starting working at BigHit she was just a regular person like everyone else. Sadly...money and fame got to her and she started getting plastic surgery whenever she could."

Plastic surgery?....

"I won't say she was ugly before, because I don't really find many girls ugly, but now she just looks like someone who went under the knife for the wrong reasons."

It's no doubt Nanami isn't pretty...she's beautiful...

"Why aren't you in there with everyone else?"

"Ah...um...I just wanted Yoongi to be able to spend time with you all..."

"Can he not spend time with us when you're there too?"

Finally moving your gaze to meet Jimin's eyes he simply gives you a tender smile and motions towards the living room where distant laughs echo into the room, a spot left empty beside the man you've come to love.

"Y/N-ah, Yoongi isn't like whoever made you feel like you aren't worth being a part of things, and neither are the guys. Yoongi Hyung didn't ask for that spot to be left open, everyone just left it open because we all want you to be a part of us too."


"Someone who loves Yoongi Hyung as much as you do, deserves to sit at his side and be a part of things. Trust me Y/N-ah, Yoongi Hyung wants you to be at his side in everything."

By his side....

"You don't have to hide here in the kitchen and feel self conscious over a woman that screwed Yoongi Hyung over, you're much better than she ever was, and ever will be. The fact that I can say that with such confidence, lets me know you're the one for him, and he's the one for you."

Nervously intertwining your fingers together and looking at the boys all collected on the couch you look over at Jimin again and give him a wide grin, his words lifting a weight off your heart.

"Thank you Jimin...."

"No problem Y/N-ah. I know how it feels to want to sit on the sidelines, hell we all do. So don't feel out of place, you have a place among us."

Nodding tenderly and quietly making your way into the living room your heart begins beating a mile a minute when you walk over to the empty spot and see Yoongi look up at you, his hand reaching out to lovingly touch your thigh.

"Hey baby, come sit beside me."


Taking the spot beside Yoongi and trying to fight against your own shyness Yoongi seems to notice and loops one arm around your chest, his fingers massaging tiny circles on your hip.

"Noona, is it true that your lullaby made his song?"

"E-Eh? Oh...yeah...it was a lullaby I sang Maki on a stormy night..."

"Wow...I've never seen something that fit so well together! You have a good singing voice Noona, when I heard your background vocals I was shook!"

"Th-Thank you Jungkook..."

Looking up from the crowd to see Jimin dive in between Jin and Namjoon Yoongi looks over at you proudly and pulls you closer to him, his hand moving from your hip to rub up and down your back.

"You should see Y/N-ah dance."


"Ohhhhhhh come on Noona let's see some dances!"

"Yeah Noona! You and Hobi Hyung need to bust some moves!"

The entire room begins roaring with soft laughter and it all seems to fade into the distance when you look over and see Yoongi's eyes feathered down with a sense of pride gazing at you, his head moving to rest on your shoulder.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too Yoongi..."

Pushing your fingers through his hair and feeling your lips stretching into a tender grin you take a deep breath and sigh, your past finally releasing you from its tight grasp.

Stand by his side....

For years that's all I have ever wanted...

Is to be able to stand by someone's side...to feel equal among the one I love the most...

This is it...this is the feeling I have been looking for my entire life...

I feel....

I feel.....


(A/N): Dont worry, it isn't over yet UwU

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