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"Aish kid. Look at you."

With a stuffed belly Yoongi carefully picks Maki up out of her high chair and holds her against him as he watches Y/N begin setting the dishes in the sink, his eyes lingering over her slightly tired form.

"Y/N-ah why don't you let me do the dishes tonight."

"It's fine Yoongi, I'm sure you're still tired after working so much."

"You're tired as well you have been taking care of Maki all day long since early. Go sit down I'll do these."

Yoongi watches Y/N turn towards him with a spark of mischief flaring in her beautiful round orbs, her hand coming up to rest on her hip.

"Yoongi, go sit down."

"Yeah alright sounds good I'll watch the baby."

Retreating to the couch Yoongi plops down with Maki still in his arms and tenderly pinches her cheek, her tiny teeth on full display when she smiles.


"Mhmmm someone should be getting tired pretty soon."


Laying Maki in the couch cushion Yoongi grabs her exposed feet and blows little raspberrys on them so she lets out a roar of deep giggles, her loud squeal even getting Y/N's attention.

She's looking at me.

Flicking his eyes over to meet Y/N's warm gaze Yoongi gives her a small grin and rests his chin on the back of the couch when she turns away, Maki's feet kicking him the only thing keeping him from getting completely lost in thought.

Mmm...she's so pretty...

Why wouldn't she just let me do the dishes?...

I could've watched her play with Maki...that's my favorite thing...



Placing the baby on his chest Yoongi lays back on his pillow and begins tenderly patting Maki's back as she places slobbery kisses on his cheek and jaw, little coos emitting from her throat.

"Mmm I love you Maki."


"Mhmmm Appa loves you so much."


Yoongi slowly watches Maki lay her head down on his chest and fight to keep her eyes open, her tiny hands gripping his thin T-shirt.

"Aish don't fight sleep kid, one day you'll be like Appa and you'll want nothing but sleep, trust me you'll have regrets."


Placing the pink binky in her mouth and switching to slowly rubbing her back Yoongi watches Maki slowly begin to drift off to sleep as she lets out little noises and settles her fist under her chin, her tiny tummy rising up and down with each breath.

"There we go..."


Having Maki in my chest makes me so tired...she's so comforting and warm...

My precious Babygirl....I love you so much...



{Y/N's POV}

I knew he was tired.

Walking to the other side of the couch you smile warmly when you see Maki sleeping peacefully on Yoongi's chest as he lightly begins to snore, his hand protectively sitting right on her back.

Awww...what a precious moment...

Tugging your phone out of your pocket you quickly snap a photo and take a moment to look at the pair in front of you, a small tug of longing setting in your chest.

It must be so nice...feeling that safe and secure in your home...

Carefully picking Maki up out of Yoongi's arms you pad into the bedroom and lay her down in her crib beside the bed while doing your best not to wake her up.

Phew...thank goodness...much like Yoongi Maki gets grumpy when she gets woken up.

Placing your hand on her belly you tenderly rub up and down so she relaxes and allows her binky to fall from her lips onto the sheet underneath of her, your lips stretching into a small smile.

I love her so much...

"Sleep well Miss Maki...I'll see you in the morning..."

Listening to the soft rain pattering against the windows you make your way back out into the living room and grab the throw blanket off the back of the couch while fluffing it and laying it over Yoongi's sleeping form, his upper lip pushing up into a small sleepy pout.


Carefully leaning down beside the couch you push Yoongi's bangs out of his eyes and make sure he's well covered up before removing his house shoes and placing them in front of the couch for when he wakes up, your chin tiredly resting on your hand.

I'm happy Yoongi is sleeping again...he needs ample rest...

I wonder what song he was working so hard on...he even said it was a collaboration song...so who even knows who it's with...

Maybe he'll tell me if I ask about it?

I mean what would be the harm in him telling me, I have front row access to the genius behind the music!

Goodness...of ARMYS could see me now they would both want my head and my life.

Quietly standing up and returning to the bedroom you change into a soft silk nightgown and crawl under the expensive sheets while keeping your eyes trained on Maki's sleeping form illuminated by the moonlight splattered around from the rain, your eyes beginning to burn from exhaustion.

I want to fall asleep...but at the same time I was to lay here and continue watching you sleep so peacefully...

One day you're going to be all grown up and you'll completely forget about who I am...you and Yoongi are already set for life...you have eachother to lean on in hard times...

I'm so happy though...Yoongi has such a big heart...I can't even begin to explain how I think of him...

Some might call me crazy or delusional...but I can't help these feelings I'm having...even though I can't act on them...

Why do I have to have feelings for my boss?

Yoongi can have any woman in the world...he wouldn't actually want someone like me...Ryun already took the best years of my life and threw them right back at my face like they were nothing...

I guess in a way I'm just used up...now all I have to give is what I can...I've never known a life of affection or love...but I don't need it...as long as Yoongi and Maki feel loved at the end of the day...

That's all that matters...

(A/N): 👀💁🏼‍♀️☕️

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