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It's so early...

Carefully fluffing your hair you decide on a simple pair of jeans and loose T-shirt before you walk out of Yoongi's room and see him slumped up against the back of the futon asleep, his laptop still open sitting on his lap.


He stayed up too late again...

Walking over to the futon you carefully fluff Yoongi's pillow and slowly lay him down as he lets out a small grunt of protest, his face burrowing in his pillow.



Closing the laptop and setting it on the coffee table you tug the blanket over his sleeping form and push his bangs out of his eyes, your chest blooming with warmth watching his chest rise and fall slowly.

"Rest well Yoongi..."

I'll stand outside so Jimin doesn't knock on the door and wake Maki up...Yoongi needs to get good rest..he's working too hard lately...

Slipping your purse onto your shoulder you open the door as quietly as possible and slip out the door as you spot Jimin walking up the hall, swallowing hard when you see how nicely dressed he is.


He has always looked nice in leather jackets...

Maybe I should have dressed a little better?..

"Goodmorning Y/N."

"Goodmorning Jimin."

"Here...I brought you a coffee..."

Looking up at Jimin your cheeks fill with a blush as you reach out and grab the warm cup of coffee, his eyes carefully scanning you up and down.

"Aren't you gonna be cold?"

"No I'm alright I promise, I run warm."

"Alright then, shall we go?"

Giving Jimin a warm smile you make your way down the hall with him and outside to the black car awaiting you both, his hands tugging down his mask when you get into the car.

"I'm really excited to go to this aquarium...even though it's kind of early I just couldn't wait."

Aww..he's like a little boy...

"I'm excited to go too...I've never been to one."


"Y-Yeah..I brought my camera too..."

"Hey me too!"

You watch as Jimin flashes you a playful smile and tugs a Polaroid camera out of his black bag, your eyes widening at the fancy technology.

"Woah...I just have a small digital camera..."

"Well then if you want a picture of something on this, just tell me. I have a lot of paper."

You nod softly and look out at the late morning sky glittering amongst the fancy high rise buildings as far the eye can see, the back of your head tingling with Jimin staring at you.

"Thank you for bringing me along Jimin, this will be a fun day."

"U-Um y-yeah! No problem...this place is just too cool to miss out on...they even have a cafe inside that we can stop and get lunch at if you want."

"Ooo that sounds fun!"

You look over at Jimin and watch his ears turn pink when you both make eye contact, his blonde hair softly rustling with the air coming from the front window.

"We're um...we're almost there..."

"Mmm, alright."

This feels like a fun day for sure.


"Wow! This place is huge!"

You run forward past Jimin when you both enter the gigantic aquarium and gaze at the mile long tanks with fish going all the way up to the ceiling, your eyes barely able to take in the sight.

"Awesome isn't it? I reserved these tickets months ago."


"Oh yeah. I'm not missing out on something this fun."

You and Jimin both make your way a little deeper inside of the aquarium and he happily bumps his shoulder against yours, the mischievous look in his eyes causing you to giggle and softly shove him.

"Excuse me ma'am did you just shove me?"

"You started it."

"I did not!"


You fall into soft laughter when Jimin tickles your sides and lightly hugs you, the smell of his cologne sending your nose to heaven itself.






"I will tickle you back Jimin."

"Psh. I'm not ticklish."

"Yeah right."

You try hard to ignore the stares coming from other people as Jimin keeps his dark colored glasses and mask on, his eyes never leaving yours as you both walk to a clearing with thousands of different colored fish in bright neon colored tanks.

"Woah...I need to remember to take pictures!"

Tugging your camera out of your bag you turn it on and make sure the flash is off so you can begin taking pictures, Jimin's head moving down so it's almost laying on your shoulder.

"Why not take them with your phone?"

"They're clearer this way..."

"I get that. Are you making a photo book of them?"

"No...I want to take lots of pictures so I can show Maki all the different colored fish...she doesn't get to experience things like this since she has to be hidden away..."

All Jimin gives you is a small nod before backing away and pushing his hand through his hair, his gaze watching you take pictures of every fish you can possibly fit in the frame.

"I guess I better take some photos too..."

"You should! This is a time you'll want to remember!"

"Yeah...I hope it is."

Looking over and giving Jimin a smile you watch him slowly pull his camera out of his bag and beginning to take photos with his camera, his shoulders seeming slightly deflated from earlier.

It must be hard having to always hide yourself everywhere you go...always needing to wear a mask and sunglasses...

Ugh..it's cold in here...I should have brought a jacket.

Putting your camera away you stand gazing up at all the tanks and watch the different fish all swimming around and living amongst eachother, your hands playing with the hem of your T-shirt.

This place is beautiful...

I've never seen something so amazing like this...

Ryun never wanted to go to these events...he always just wanted to go to charity events where I had to wear tight dresses...

"Y/N-ah, do you wanna keep going?"

"Yeah! I'm coming!"


Also I couldn't resist posting a chapter I strapped on a lidocaine patch and HAD AT IT BAHAHAHAHAHA

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