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{Yoongi's POV}

"Come on Maki....give Appa a break..."

Yoongi sighs in defeat and throws himself down on the couch as Maki sits against the wall of her playpin crying, her binky all but abandoned on the hardwood floor.

"What is it Maki? You won't eat? You won't nap? I've changed your diaper four times...this stomach bug is giving you such a hsrd time..."

With tears in his eyes Yoongi tenderly picks Maki up and sits her on his lap, his hand very softly rubbing her swollen belly.

"Goodness kid....Appa is so sorry you're sick..."

Maki suddenly stops crying for only a second to look up at Yoongi and throw up all over his shirt, more tears already spilling out of her almond shaped eyes.


Yoongi stands up and places Maki back in her playpin before going to his room and tugging the warm sticky shirt off of his body, his own tears rolling down his cheeks.

She's sick...

I hate this...

I'm so worried...

"Yoongi Hyung?"

"I'm in here Chim.."

Yoongi's voice is laced with defeat as he pulls on another t-shirt, Jimin walking into his room while looking at him sadly.

"Hyung...you need time away."

"What makes you say that."

Yoongi's tone is sharp and tight with exhaustion as Jimin walks over and rubs his back, his own tone sympathetic.

"Hyung please let me watch Maki for the night. She's sick. You've been at this for two days now. Let me watch her so you can go get some air you're going to go mad in here."

"No. Maki is sick. I need to take care of her-"

"And I will take care of her tonight. I am her uncle and have nerves of steel. Please Hyung, go take a shower and go have a drink. You need some away time."

Yoongi looks at Jimin and out to the living room were Maki lays down and whimpers softly, guilt painfully rising in his chest.

I want to go...

I feel so bad...

It isn't the right thing to do-

"Hyung quit overthinking everything and go get in the shower."

"I.....alright....fine...but it won't be all night. Just for a couple hours."

"Fine. I can do that."

After Yoongi takes a shower and dresses in his regular dark clothing he slips his shoes on and looks at Maki, who sleeps soundly with her head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Please Chim....call me if she gets worse...her doctor said its just a stomach bug but I don't want her to-"

"Get dehydrated the Pedialyte is in the fridge. Hyung I know, go."

"Alright then.."

This is my first time leaving Maki in seven months.

I hate this.

Yoongi simply sighs and makes his way down to the black vehicle waiting for him, the darkness masking the tears welled in his eyes.

I already miss her...

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