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Hello My Beautiful lil Chiyu Yeos!

Tis I, Haru coming to you with a Q&A as a celebration for this story reaching 200K reads!

As Usual thank you so much for this support you all have given me it is truly the greatest thing I have ever achieved :')

So, first I'll start out with some basic facts about me!

Here is what I look like cx

So here are just some basic facts!

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So here are just some basic facts!

1. My favorite color is baby pink and Lavender

2. My favorite animal is a panda bear

3. I am 22 years old and turning 23 this year (2020)

4. My hobbies are Anime Art, Shopping, and Kpop of course XD

5. My top 3 favorite anime's are Inuyasha, Demon Slayer, and Dororo (the 2019 version)

Alright! Enough of those boring facts 🙄 now I will answer you guys' questions!

First I got a few from my precious lil reader ami110619 so I'll answer those!

1. How long have you been writing stories?
I have been writing stories since as far back as my memory could go, I used to daydream all kinds of different adventures in my head and turn them into games my sister and I would play with our dolls! When I was in 3rd grade I won an award for writing a children's story and even got a trophy (yes I'm still proud of it)

2. How did you get into writing them?

Honestly the same thing, in third grade when I saw how my story made everyone so proud (after a plagiarizing incident in second grade) I really started to wonder what it would be like if I really wrote stories and made them into real books, that pretty much launched my writing career 😂

3. Which was your first story?

So in life my first real story other than the children's book was a Greek Mythology story I wrote in 9th grade about a Star Phoenix :) I still remember the story and have plans to try and make it a manga one day (that's my dream)
The first story I wrote on Wattpad actually doesn't exist anymore! It was called "Dances With Devils" and honestly it flopped so hard because I needed some real fine tuning when it came to Fanfiction writing 😂

4. Which is your latest story?
Since I have started Wattpad that has been the only platform I have written on so my latest story is my new book + Positive + starring Jimin and this one of course since it's still ongoing :)

5. Are you planning on doing more stories?

This, is a definite yes :) I have a few plans for the future I think all of you are going to enjoy ;)

6. Which is your favorite story so far?

So since the majority of the stories I've written are on here, and are going to be on here I'll go ahead and say my favorite one on here so far 😂

Honestly my favorite story I've written would probably be...gosh this is so hard...I would have to say Through My Eyes has been my favorite story to write. My career on Wattpad began about 3 years ago and I had kept that story idea in my head for 2 years until I finally decided to start writing it last year. I feel like that story was really able to channel raw emotions and tackle some things that happen to people in their lives that are somewhat overshadowed. I wanted to really show the struggles people go through when it comes to the mourning process because when someone in your life dies, you're the one left to mourn them while they're free you know? I wanted to give a story that showed actual heart and even if the subjects were uncomfortable I wanted to show the growth of the human heart, even when it's been shattered to pieces 💜

Alright! Those are all the questions from my precious lil reader so thank you so much for those, all really great question 🥰

Now it's you guys' turn!

You can ask me any question that Isn't about how this story is going to end because you all know I can't answer that one 😂

The questions can be mildly personal or about the stories, so ask away in the comments, I promise I'll answer them all to the best of my abilities!!!

I love you all, and I love doing these because honestly I like having fan interactions because we're like a little family all sharing the same sky 💜

Forever and Alway


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