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"You should eat Noona."

Sitting across from Jungkook you shyly grab the small menu in front of you and peer at the different foods, your entire body shaking from the earlier events.

"You okay Noona?..."

"Y-Yeah...I'm fine I guess..."

"Who was that man from earlier?"

"N-Nobody...actually Jungkook I don't really need to eat-"

"You having a meal with me is payment for me showing my face to those losers. I want to know you at least have a good meal."


These boys sure are persistent.

I just want to go home and lay in bed....I don't feel good at all...

"Why were you out shopping?"

"Eh? Oh...for Maki's little party Friday...I wanted to at least look somewhat nice...I don't own a lot of clothes."

"I don't either."

"Seriously? You're like an international superstar."

"Well yeah but that doesn't mean I have a lot of clothes, a lot of what I wear is stage outfits or clothes the company buys for me to wear. Most of my clothes is a couple pairs of sweats."

"Oh...I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry about it Noona, I understand. Most of the time I'm dressed in all brand."

You look across the table at the young boy in front of you and watch him gaze at you with warm eyes, his finger pointing at the kids menu.

"I like the chicken strips here. They're really good."

You give him a soft giggle and set your menu at the end of the table, the weight of the day completely bearing down on you.

"Alright then...guess I'll have that..."

When the waitress comes to the table you simply sit back and let Jungkook order, your fingers playing with the hem of your sweatshirt.

"Two chicken strip meals to go please."

To go?

You look up at Jungkook and watch him give you a boyish smile, his elbows leaned on the table as he gazes at you with his big doe eyes.

"You know, my Hyung likes your cooking."


"H-He does?..."

"Mhm. You should have seen how upset he was when he forgot to bring some of your food for lunch. He left the company as a whole to go get food."

I remember that day...

"He could have just gotten something from the cafeteria but he didn't want it. He wanted your food."

Your entire face breaks out into a blush as you give Jungkook a small smile, his expression lighting up and he seems to visibly sit up straighter.

"Noona that's the first time I've seen you smile!"


"Yeah! You're always nervous and frowning when I see you, I don't know you very well but-"

At that moment the waitress comes by and slides the to-go boxes on the table, Jungkook's hand pushing both the boxes towards you with a warm grin.

"You should smile more Noona, it's pretty. You can ride in the black car out front. I have another car. I think you've been through enough this evening."


"Thanks for eating a meal with me."

With one final wink Jungkook leaves a hundred dollar bill on the table for a tip then gets up and leaves, his sudden absence leaving you sitting there shocked.


Gave me all the food....

You quickly get up and make your way out the door to see the black car waiting for you with the driver, the man giving you a small wave.

"I can take you home Miss Y/N."


Wait what?


When you get home from the diner, you unlock your door and set the bag of food on your coffee table, your mind whirling from all the past events.

All in one night...

Yoongi asked me to make a cake for Maki...

Jimin tried to force a cell phone on me...

Ryun made fun of me and humiliated me in front of that girl...

And Jungkook bought me food and left....


This day...

Grabbing one of the boxes you pop open the styrofoam and begin taking bites of the hot chicken, your eyes filling with more tears the more bites you take.

That girl was so pretty...

She was so thin...

I've put on weight since all of this happened to me...

Soon the tears begin falling down your cheeks as you continue to eat the chicken, little hiccups erupting from your chest until they grow into full sobs.

He's having a baby.

She didn't even look pregnant.

He did that just to be hurtful to me.

We've only been apart for eight months and he's being this cruel.

Never would I think he would leave me like this.

Pushing the chicken away you pull your knees to your chest and bury your face into them as you keep sobbing, all the pent up emotions of the day spilling out all at once.

This is my reality.

I don't have what Yoongi has.

Or Jungkook has.

Or Ryun has.

This is what I get.

A run down shack hellhole of an apartment all to myself.

Looking around the room you try to wipe your tears with the sleeve of your sweatshirt before peering into the bag of new clothes you bought, your eyes beginning to ache from how hard you're crying.

Of course I bought a skirt.

I'm so used to wearing skirts they're the only thing I can seem to ever buy.

Ryun liked skirts.

You grab the clothes and throw them across the room before stomping into your bedroom and throwing yourself down on the small bed you managed to get for yourself with saved money, your newer comforter the nicest thing in your apartment.

I wonder if I'll ever find a man that wants to love me...even though I can never give him a baby...

Who wants a wife that can't give him children?

Even the famed Min Yoongi, busiest man in the world wanted a child...

I don't stand a chance right now...

(A/N): Not feeling soft :'D

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