Escape ~ 3

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When he awoke, he found himself encased in warmth. Light breaths brushed over his skin and he warily looked up. Ebony hair covered his brother's pale skin, catching onto his equally dark eyelashes.


No matter how he looked at it, the sleeping boy before him was the spitting image of their... father. And yet, their personalities couldn't be more different.

Where their father was cold, he was warm. Where there was harshness, there was gentleness. Where there was a harsh voice, yelling nothing but insults, there was a soft one, whispering sweet nothings.

He wasn't sure that he could handle being between two fires.

The bed dipped as Kyoya shifted, his silver eyes fluttering open. There was a moment of silence, and then he looked at Yuma, "Ah... You're awake?" He whispered, leaning closer. His hands, much bigger than Yuma's own, took hold of him and pulled him closer, "How are you feeling?"

How... he was feeling?

Yesterday's events were repeating over and over inside his head, and yet, no words came to mind.

How he was feeling? "I don't know."

Kyoya's grip on him suddenly went harsh and Yuma bit back the urge to flinch away, "It's okay. Everything is going to be all right now."

What...? "What do you mean?" He didn't understand what his brother meant.

"Father and I talked about something. And... we came to an agreement."

No matter what Kyoya said, Yuma couldn't understand what he was talking about, "Agreement?" Furrowing his brows, Yuma sat up, Kyoya's arms falling loose back on the bed, "Kyoya, what did you do?"

There was a kind of unfamiliar look in his brother's eyes. A look which didn't promise good things. The more he stayed quiet, the more Yuma feared for his next words. Once again, the bed dipped and Kyoya sat up, ebony bangs sliding to the side, "There's an apartment ready for you in Japan."

Really... Of all the things that he could have said, that was the most unexpected.

He really didn't know what to do, except stare at his brother in confusion.

Kyoya seemed to have realised what was going on, "Yuma, you're going back to Japan."

You're...? You're...? You're...? You're...? You're...?

"What about you?" The question left his lips without a second thought, "I can't be going alone, right, Kyoya...? Please tell me you're coming with me." His thin fingers found their way around Kyoya's collar.

His brother went silent.

No. No. No. No. No.

"Why? Why are you abandoning me? Why are you casting me away? Kyoya?!" He pushed forward, causing the two of them to collapse back onto the bed.

Kyoya took hold of his wrists, but didn't move them aside, "I'm doing this for you... Can't you see?"

Doing it for him? Doing it for him? Doing it for him? Doing it for him? Doing it for him?

"How?! You're leaving me alone! How is that good for me?!"

None of it made sense! Why did he think that was a good thing?! He never expected something like this to happen! Why?!

"It is for your well-being! You can't stay here! Not with father constantly breathing down your neck! Do you want today to repeat again?! I can't leave you home alone with him, but I can't constantly be by your side! Even if I am, I can't do anything to protect you! Our father is a stubborn and difficult man! He won't stop! No matter what you do! No matter what you've done! There's no way he would stop!"

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now