Break ~ 9

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Yuma was running after Todoroki, but the boy was already out of his sight.

"Damn it..." He mumbled out, looking left and right, trying to see where he went. It was no use. There was no sight of him within his field of vision. That was bad. That was very bad.

If he were to run into a villain-

"Oh? What do we have here?" Yuma went still, body locking up in place. From the corner of his eye, he saw a mans standing still, "A lone boy? What are you doing here, little one~?" The man asked him, tilting his head to the side. There was a dangerous glint in his dark irises. A grin was present on his face, and it seemed to be widening with each passing second.

Yuma tensed up, preparing himself for the inevitable showdown that was about to happen, "Oya, oya, boy~" A voice whispered and he froze up, quickly looking around. What confused him the most, was the fact that the man didn't move from his previous spot. He was still standing there, looking at him from afar, but... How did Yuma hear him? There was no way he could have heard him from that far of a distance, "You're wondering how you're hearing me, aren't you, boy? It's written all over your face, you know~?"

Was he reading his mind? What was going on? Was that his quirk? A psychic one?

"That would be correct... You're a smart boy, aren't you?" The man chuckled, his voice ringing in Yuma's ears, "You have no mental guards whatsoever, it was quite easy for me to get inside you."

Get inside...? Damn it!

"I wonder what I'll run into if I dig deep enough... Care to enlighten me?" The man asked, before he quickly added, "Ah, never mind, I rather love it better if I am the one to do it."

It took a few moments, but Yuma felt it. He shivered, an unpleasant chill running down his spine. It was as if someone was digging through his head, raking and scratching as every possible place, "Stop!" He yelled, staring at the man with wide eyes.

"Stop? Where's the fun in that?" With that, the man grinned.

Immediate pain flashed behind Yuma's eyelids. He clenched his eyes shut, hands coming to grip at his head. The pressure in his head forced his knees to buckle and they gave out beneath him, clicking against the hard ground. And yet, the physical pain was nothing compared to the pain he felt inside his mind.

"What do we have here? Rough childhood, eh?" The man mused, "A dying mother, her screams resounding through the hospital room, soon drowned out by the screams of a newborn baby~" There was amusement in his tone, "Aw... That's tough, little one."

No. No. No. No. No.

"There's no use in struggling, you can't block me out. Let me see what else is there... Any particularly bad memories?" The man questioned, voice sounding louder and louder inside Yuma's mind, "That's one hell of a childhood right there... But, I can't help but notice something interesting—there's no will to become a hero?"

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.

"Oh, we're just getting started. I'll dig up every single bad memory you have and I'll make them repeat inside your mind. I'm so nice, aren't I? Allowing you the opportunity to relive everything?" A rather loud laugh caused another painful throb inside Yuma's mind.

Why was that happening?! What had he done to deserve something like that?!

"Are you arguing with yourself? And here I thought I was he crazy one... Never mind, let's get back to work~" With that, the scenes began.

First, a white room flashed in front of him, bloodcurdling screams invoking pure terror within him. Next, more screaming, but it no longer sounded like a woman. The screams came from a newborn baby.

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now