lavender skies ~ 28

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Even though he had a full recovery, that apparently wasn't enough for Chikara.

Shion had taken him back to Chikara's agency and waited with him until the said woman came back. As expected, she fussed over him the moment she laid eyes on him. It was as if she hadn't seen him for a while, when she'd actually seen him the day before.

"What did the doctors say?" She asked, standing mere inches away from him.

Yuma shifted on his feet, briefly looking out through the giant, glass window, "They told me I was fully recovered."

In response, Chikara arched her brow, "Really? Well, you know what that means."

"I can continue with the internship?" He stated, although it sounded more like a question than anything else.

Chikara immediately shook her head, "No. I don't care what the doctors said, you're not overexerting yourself on my watch!" There was a commanding tone to her voice and Yuma's complaints almost died out.


"What? There's still two days left, what am I supposed to do?"

It was Shion who spoke up next, "I can spend time with you while Chika is on patrol," she offered, "Being away from work for two days won't hurt." She nonchalantly said, as if it truly didn't matter.

"Huh? There's no need for you to skip work for me!" He hastily exclaimed, looking up at the dark-haired woman.

She just laughed and waved him off, not a worry on her face.

Concerned, he turned to Chikara, only to be met with a sharp grin, "She owns a photography company."

Yuma's complaints died out.


As such, while Chikara was out on patrol, Yuma and Shion spent their time either watching TV in Yuma's small suite or walking around the agency. Chikara instructed them not to leave the building, and they begrudgingly listened to her.

Once Chikara came back, the first thing she did was ask Yuma to follow her. He was confused since Shion wasn't going with them, but the dark-haired woman just smiled at him, as if telling him everything was going to be okay.

Albeit reluctantly, Yuma indeed did follow after his aunt.

She led him up onto the highest floor of the building and into her office. There, she took a seat on one of the sofas and he sat across her, "You once told me you wanted to know more about your grandparents... right?" She started, staring at him from across the coffee table.

Ah, yes, he had told her that, "Yes... Are you going to tell me now?"

"First you will tell me what you heard about them." She had crossed her legs, leaning back against the sofa.

What he heard about them...

His conversation with Endeavour was a... weird one, "During the Sports Festival, I ran into the number two hero, Endeavour," At the mention of him, Chikara visibly reacted. Her brows furrowed, her eyes narrowed and her jaw had clenched, the muscles in it locking up, "He told me that they would have survived if they were stronger, that it was a pity they died, since they had wonderful quirks, and that it happened because they were too... soft to be heroes," Briefly, he averted his eyes, "He told me I didn't possess their sympathy."

For a few moments, there was no reply, before he heard the table between them let out a loud crack. Immediately, he looked back and saw that it was bent in half, multiple cracks breaking off pieces of it, "He had no right to call them weak and soft..." Chikara's tone had done a complete 180, and she sounded like she was on the verge of breaking everything in her near vicinity, "He wasn't there when it happened, I was!" The table let out crack after crack as it crumbled before his eyes, "He should just keep his mouth shut when it came to things he knew nothing about!" With one final crack, the table collapsed.

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