the sea ~ 38

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The first semester went by faster than Yuma ever thought it could, and that marked the beginning of summer vacation. It was a bit confusing for him to get used to how Japanese schools function, since it was different in France, but he managed, somehow.

It was hot, too hot, and he was thankful there was an AC in his apartment. With it blasting straight at him, he laid on his stomach, spread out on the sofa, an arm and leg hanging down the sides. His shorts had gone up his thigh, but he was too comfortable to move. The silk covers atop the sofa felt nice against his bare torso and he sighed out in relief at the cool feeling of it.

Seriously, he was in heaven right then and there.

But then, he heard a knock at his front door and he was back in the real world.

Groaning, he pushed himself up to his knees and begrudgingly got off the sofa. He made his way to the front door and peeked through the peephole to see who it was.

Imagine his surprise when he was met with none other than Shouto.

Momentarily, he froze up, aware that he was wearing nothing other than some stupid shorts, but then the more mature side of him eased his worries. They were both guys, there's nothing wrong in seeing another boy shirtless, right? Well, it was in his situation, since the other boy was the boy he freaking liked!

Oh God.

Another knock came forth and he almost yelped in surprise. He could hear his heart in his ears, but he somehow managed to calm himself enough to unlock the door and open it, "Hi." He blurted out.

Shouto was silent for a few moments, before he spoke, "Hello."

Yuma was painfully aware of the fact that Shouto was standing in front of him. He was aware so much, that he inched a bit behind the door, itching to hide himself behind it, "What brings you here?" He tried to play it off, but his voice ended up cracking right at the beginning.

"Midoriya messaged me," Shouto began, "He asked me if I wanted to go to the pool for endurance training, but he didn't have your number."

Oh. Pool? Endurance training? That was surprising... "So you came here to...?" Yuma trailed off, not quite knowing what to say.

"Ask you if you want to go." Shouto finished the question for him.

But... if Midoriya didn't have his number, Shouto could have given it to him, or... "You could have messaged me instead of walking all this way, especially during this heat."

He waited for an answer, but he got none. What he got, thought, was definitely better than an answer: Shouto's eyes widened and he looked away. Yuma didn't know if the flush of his cheeks was due to the heat or due to something else.

How cute.

"Never mind that, do you want to come inside? I got cold juice." Yuma suggested, the corners of his lips curling back. Seriously, looking at Shouto now, he felt less embarrassed about his own situation.

"Thank you." The boy's answer was quiet, but Yuma heard it nonetheless.


"Make yourself at home, I just need to get dressed." Saying that, Yuma, not so inconspicuously, speed-walked to his bedroom.

Upon entering it, he gently closed the door behind himself and leaned back against it.

Oh God.

Shouto was in his apartment. Alone. They were alone. In his apartment.

Please, Lord, have mercy on his soul, this was too much.

His heart wouldn't slow down, choosing to slam itself against his ribs like a bird trying to break out of a cage. He could hear its drums in his ears, booming and echoing. His fingers shakily tapped against the door because he didn't know what else to do.

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