Vertigo ~ 5

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His test results came back tomorrow morning.

Out of a 100 points, he scored 98.

He passed.

Really... No matter how much he tried, he just couldn't be the best, could he?

"You weren't the best." His father sneered inside his mind. "You weren't the one." They would repeat over and over, until there was nothing else in his head but those harsh words. "You know what that means, don't you?"

He tried to ignore the ache in his back.

It didn't work.


His school supplies and the new uniform were delivered to his apartment.

Somehow, it was a relief to see that it wasn't black—he was rather fed up with his middle school uniform. Instead, this one was a pale shade of grey, paired up with a white dress shirt and a red tie.

At least the size was right. That was what he thought as he looked at himself in the mirror.

Sighing, he pulled his tie loose and let it drop at the ground, "This is such a joke." He whispered, watching his own reflection.

The whole thing was a joke.


The first day rolled around the corner and Yuma honestly wasn't looking forward to it. Pulling his bag onto his shoulder, the door of his apartment clicked shut.

He felt tired. Having spent 17 hours sleeping does do that to a person.

A light sigh left his lips. He should have gone for a jog around the street or something as such. If he did that, maybe he would have felt more lively at the moment.

Well... What's done is done.

There's no going back.


His shoes clicked against the tiled floor of the hallway as he made his way to his designated classroom.

Class 1-A. That was the class he got into. It was also the one which contained the best students.

How lucky.

From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the classroom and made his way over to it. The door was open and there stood... Aizawa. He had his back turned to Yuma as he faced the rest of the class. Tilting his head, Yuma glanced at the object in his hand. Aizawa held a... training uniform? "Sensei?" Yuma spoke.

Hearing him speak, the attention was draw to him, "You're late," Aizawa deadpanned, blankly staring at him, "Put on the uniform and follow me."

Yuma blinked, lightly confused, but did as asked nonetheless.


After the rest of the class finished changing, they all followed after Aizawa. Then, they were led outside and into an open field, one which looked like it was designed for the usage of students.

"We'll be doing a quirk assessment test." Aizawa revealed the purpose of his actions.

A what?

"A quirk assessment test?!" Most of the class yelled out in confusion, making Yuma step away from them. Their voices were too loud and he never liked those kind of things.

In fact, he was positive he hated loud noises.

"What about the entrance ceremony?" A brown-haired girl asked, looking at Aizawa, "The orientation?"

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now