The one left standing ~ 15

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Yuma remained at that place for a while—they were given an hour to rest before the final round was to start.

Final round... "A tournament, huh?" He mumbled out, staring up at the sky.

Every year, the sports festival would change its stages, but the final one would always stay the same.

A one-on-one tournament.

He wondered who he would have to fight to reach the top.


He went back to the stadium and the last stage was revealed.

It was a one-on-one tournament, just as it always was.

They were asked to draw lots so that they could determine the bracket—who they were going to be fighting against. Midnight added that once the brackets were determined, they'll have the recreational games and start after them. She also said that the sixteen finalists could chose whether or not they were going to participate in the recreational games.

Ojirou had raised his hand to say that he would be dropping out of the tournament since he barely remembered anything from the cavalry battle. One student from Class 1-B said the same. Ojirou said that it most likely had something to do with... Shinso. As far as Yuma could remember, that was the guy who came to their class before the sports festival.

So what? He had a quirk that allowed him to control others?


Ojirou's wish was granted by Midnight, and both he and the boy were replaced by other Class 1-B students.

After a few minutes, the results were in.

Midnight pointed to the screen, where multiple names were. Yuma slowly looked over everything, searching for his own name. And then he found it. He was up against... Shiozaki Ibara? Furrowing his brows, he looked around and met eyes with a girl who had vines for hair. So that was her...?

He watched as she stepped towards him, somewhat reluctant, "Hello. You are Ayatsuru, no?" She asked, tilting her head.

She may have looked reluctant, but she didn't sound so, "I am. You are Shiozaki, I assume?" At her nod, he continued, "I say this with utmost respect, but know that I won't hold back in our match—even if you are a girl."

There was no immediate reaction to his words and then she nodded her head once again, "I wasn't expecting you to hold back, nor do I ask that of you."

Seems like they had come to an understanding.

With that, Present Mic's voice rang out, "All right! Let's leave the tournament aside for a momentary interlude!" Multiple fireworks exploded above the stadium, making the sky flash in various colours, "Let's have fun with the recreation! First is the scavenger hunt!"

Yuma had already tuned out at that point, instead choosing to find a quiet place until the recreations ended.


He ended up back at the locker room and as soon as he opened the door, he heard the familiar ringtone of his phone.

Somehow, he already knew who was calling him.

With shaky steps, he walked up to his locker and opened it up, immediately catching sight of the caller ID. In flashing, white letters, it said 'Father'. He was reluctant to answer it, that much was obvious.

Another second passed and he picked up, "Hello." He mumbled into the speaker.

There was silence on the other end, before a deep voice spoke, "Yuma."

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now