warmth ~ 34

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AN: There's a lot of switching between English (well, Japanese) and French, but I did put in translations, so I hope you guys don't get confused!

It was mere minutes before his match was about to start and he decided that it would be best he spent those minutes in solitude, far away from everyone and everything.

The locker room was empty, just as he expected it to be, and he took a seat in the nearest chair.

But then, he heard the familiar ringing of a phone—his phone.

In sync with its rings, his heart drummed inside his chest because he already knew who it was that was calling him. There was only one person who would do so in that moment, and, as he stood up, feet feeling heavier than ever before, he clicked the locker open and was met with the caller ID.


Momentarily, he weighted the consequences of answering the phone, but found it stupid to do so. Kyoya never called him because he had good news, only bad ones.

And this call was exactly that—bad news.

Still, he pressed on the screen and a voice rang out, "Yuma...?" Somehow, hearing him sound so shaky made Yuma's heart skip a beat. Why...? Why did he sound like that? What happened? Was... something done to him?

"Yes?" He spoke into the phone, holding all his questions back.

Not yet. Too little time had passed for him to start caring about him again. He still didn't do anything to earn Yuma's care and trust again, he did nothing.

"How... have you been?"

How... has he been? What a marvellous question to come out of his dear, dear brother's mouth, "Pourquoi tu m'appelles maintenant?"

For a moment, Kyoya went silent, "Why wouldn't I?" He seemed... confused, "You're my little brother, of course I'd call you."

"Je suis surpris que tu te souviens que tu as un frère," Yuma bit out into the phone, a hint of anger slipping through.
(I'm surprised you remember you have a brother)

"Yuma, don't do this... please."

"Ça? C'est quoi 'ça? Qu'est-ce que je suis entrain de faire?"
(This? What is this? What am I doing?)

A sharp inhale came from Kyoya, "Why are you speaking in that language? Don't you hate it?"

Hate? Hate? Hate? Hate? Hate?

"I might hate you more." Came the unrestrained reply from Yuma.


"What is the reason you're calling?" Yuma interrupted, "You didn't call me just for the sake of checking up on me. If that was your aim, you would've called sooner."

Once again, Kyoya went silent and Yuma contemplated hanging up on him. Why did he call? To keep quiet? To annoy him? To make him hate him more than he already does?

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

"Papa was in your room."

Yuma froze up. What...? In his... room? Gabriel had never gone into his room before, never. What possible reason could he have to do such a thing? "And? He wants to get rid of all the things I left behind."

"No, you don't understand..." Kyoya sounded... worried? "He... was acting differently when he came back from Japan, and I know why he left in the first place. I know what happened, but his... behaviour was..." he trailed off, as if unwilling to continue.

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora