Not alone ~ 19

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The two of them walked along the streets of the city, a comfortable distance between them. It seemed like Todoroki learned of Yuma's discomfort at being touched. The silence wasn't as awkward as before, but neither of them minded it. Both of them were more of a silent type, Yuma realised.

He didn't complain about the long way to wherever Todoroki wanted to eat, but he did wonder where he was taking him. Yuma had never been in that part of the city.

The only routes he knew were the ones to school and back, and a few streets around his apartment where he went to jog. It did come as weird when Todoroki invited him to eat, but Yuma wasn't all that surprised.

Todoroki was as bold as he was dense.

Not that that was a bad thing. Far from it, actually. People like that never turned out to be bad company. Yuma had rarely met people like Todoroki, but he'd never been able to get closer to them because of his father.

"Friends aren't something you need." His father would say. "You need followers—devotees."

As if Yuma needed someone like that.

But, maybe, now that he was in Japan and away from his father's... influence, he could do just that? Make... friends? It felt foreign to even think of something like that, but he found himself not thinking so bad of it.

"We're here." He was snapped out of his thoughts by Todoroki's voice.

They were there? Blinking, Yuma looked at the unexpectedly small... restaurant in front of them, "This is not where I imagined you eat." The words left his lips before he could think twice about them.

Todoroki glanced at him, "What do you mean?" He confusedly asked.

"Not anything bad, of course, it's just... Never mind, let's go in." Not wanting to explain himself, Yuma stepped inside before Todoroki could ask another question.

The interior was mostly of beige and brown colours with small parts which were a light green. It was cute. Todoroki walked past him and headed over to a small table tucked in the corner of the shop.

Yuma followed without a word.

He took a seat across from Todoroki, "You come here often?"

"I sometimes stop by after school." Todoroki replied, looking straight at him.

How typical of him to do that, "I see..." Yuma leaned back in his chair, briefly looking around.

It didn't take long for the waitress to come, "What would you like to order?" It was a young woman, possibly between eighteen and twenty. She held a pen and a small notebook in her hands.

And was obviously ogling Todoroki, "Cold soba." The boy replied, not sparing her a glance.

She quickly wrote it down and turned to Yuma, "And you?" Her voice had gone a bit lower and her expression turned sterner as she faced him.

What blatant favouritism, "I'll take the same as him." He simply said, looking back at Todoroki.

He was as dense as ever. How can a person be so dense? How? It made no sense to Yuma.

"Coming right up." With that, she turned around and walked away.

A small laugh left Yuma and that seemed to draw Todoroki's attention, "Is something funny?" He asked, unblinkingly staring at Yuma.

"Oh, nothing. Does that happen each time you go out to eat?" He asked, resting his elbows on the table. The situation was hilarious to him.

Todoroki blinked, obviously confused, "Does what happen?"

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now