Sweet ~ 10

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The ringing of his mobile phone brought his attention away from the TV.

Glancing at it, he saw the caller ID.

"What?" He answered, leaning back onto the sofa, "Must you call so many times?"

The other line was silent, before a relieved sigh was heard, "You're okay..."

Okay...? "If that's all you wanted to know, I'm hanging up." He moved his phone away, but a yell on the other side stopped him from ending the call.

"Wait! Please! Let me talk to you!" The other person was desperate and Yuma decided to listen.

He brought his phone back to his ear, "Speak."

"Yuma, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for whatever I did and said." Apologise were thrown his way, not that Yuma had any use of them. Was that all he could say? I'm sorry? "I shouldn't have let you go alone... I shouldn't have."

It was too late for regrets, "I trusted you the most. I told you everything. I did everything you asked. And how did you repay me? By sending me away to a foreign country," he shook his head, closing his eyes in the process, "What a good brother you are, Kyoya." Sarcasm dripped off his words.

"I'm sorry..." Kyoya whispered on the other line.

That almost made Yuma laugh, "Sorry? You didn't call me for months, and now that I almost got killed, you decide to call? What is it? Was your conscience eating at you from the inside out?"

"That's not it!" Kyoya raised his voice, before he repeated in a calmer tone, "That's not it..."

Not it? That's exactly it! "Let this rest on your conscience as well. If I never got to Japan, I wouldn't have been almost killed twice." He forced out into the speaker, meaning each word he said.

"Twice...?" Kyoya mumbled from the other side.

He didn't even know... "Yes, twice." Not even planning to elaborate, he hung up and threw his phone somewhere on the side, briefly catching sight of the time.

School started soon and he had no plans of going to sleep.

Might as well go on a short jog.


After returning from the much needed jog, he made his way to the bathroom, itching for a shower. School started in an hour or so, so he had enough time to get things done.

The shower didn't take long and he got out, patting his hair dry with his towel. It may not dry completely, but he didn't quite care about that. Hastily throwing his uniform on, leaving the tie loosened and crooked, he grabbed hold of his bag and left through the front door.

The door clicked shut behind him as he went towards the elevator.


Of course he was late. That was a given considering the traffic he got into. The damned taxi didn't move for more than fifteen minutes and he was forced to get out as to not be even more late.

He walked through the empty hallway, classes already in session, and was met with... Aizawa's approaching figure? "Sensei?" Yuma called out, stopping in his tracks. The man looked positively awful.

Bandages concealed his whole face, except for a bit of his eyes and nose. His arms were bandaged in front of him, too. Yuma was sure there were more bandages somewhere... "Ayatsuru. So you've woken up, I see." The man said, completely ignoring the fact that he was late.

"What happened to you?" Yuma asked, propping his bag back up after it slid down.

Aizawa gave no physical reaction to his question, "Get in, you're late." The man chose to ignore his question, instead he gestured at the door of the classroom.

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now