Things we cannot do ~ 23

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After their talk, Yuma was shown around the rest of the agency, before he was brought to the room where he'll be staying at, "Manipula!" Someone yelled from the end of the hallway.

Yuma turned in that direction and saw that it was Nico. She was walking towards them carrying a... thick stack of papers, "Great. Just what I needed." He heard Chikara's voice from behind.

"This arrived a few moments ago. It's about your last mission." The woman informed her, calmly handing over the giant stack to her.

The last mission...? Paperwork...? "Sorry, Yuma. Today is a bad day for everything, it seems. I'll be in the office if you need anything." Chikara offered him a small, apologetic smile, before she turned around and walked away, lightly wobbling from the papers in her hands.

Nico hummed from besides him, "Don't let her nonchalant behaviour fool you, she's actually really serious when it comes to things like that," she randomly spoke, "She's hard-working and she always tries to do her best."

Yuma watched as the redheaded woman disappeared around the corner, "We all have our faults."

"Yeah, we do." With that, Nico turned around and headed back to where she came from, presumably going to the desk in the front hallway of the agency.

Yuma opened the door and stepped inside. He was greeted by a small hallway which led into a small living room. On the side were spiral staircases which maybe led up to the bedroom. Dropping his case on the side, he took off his shoes and went up the staircase. As expected, he was met with a small bedroom which had an additional door at the end of the room. Shrugging his jacket off, and leaving himself in a white button up, he opened the additional door and found himself in a bathroom.

It was a literal apartment he was staying in, albeit smaller.

He reached a hand up and unbuttoned the first two buttons, somewhat feeling like it was easier to breath that way. From the corner of his eye, he saw the glass surrounding the room. From the outside, it was stained, which meant that nobody could look inside, but he could look outside. It was quite nice, although it would make things kinda off when he's using the bathroom for whatever purpose.

Well, he could deal with that.



The rest of the day was spent exploring the agency and occasionally going back to Chikara's office.

Night had already fallen by the time he went back to his... room. Discarding his clothes along the way to the bathroom, he went inside to take a quick shower.

That quick shower turned into an hour-long bath in the end. Unfortunately, he had accidentally wet his hair and decided to wash it even thought it wasn't needed. His skin was shrivelled up from the hot water and most of his body was flushed. The robes on the side felt soft on his skin, which he preferred much more than those robes with a rough material.

Deciding against drying his hair with a hairdryer, he let a towel absorb the water instead.

Somehow, he ended up feeling tired, so he dropped onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. A part of the ceiling also had glass instead of a roof. He could see the stars in the sky that way. White dots stained the dark sky, lighting it up.

It was morning already in France.

He closed his eyes, warding the thoughts away. There was no need to think about those things. He was away and he was safe.

That was all that mattered.

With that, he allowed himself to relax, and he soon slipped into dreamland.

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now