starry sky ~ 44

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AN: I apologise for not updating for so long, I've been busy with my job (ye, I got a job, woohoo) and it's been draining me dry day after day. I wrote this in the span of... three days? Usually it takes a few hours to make a chapter, but I've had to take a few extra steps to make this one.
I hope y'all like it! ^-^

Their hands laid still between their bodies, softly pressed into the seat, just barely out of view. His skin tingled where their fingers intertwined. It was an exhilarating kind of feeling, one that made his chest ache in... longing? Was that the right word? Longing. They were so close, yet so far at the same time. It was worrisome—this kind of situation. Yuma had outwardly professed his feelings, but Shouto hadn't done the same. True, the boy had said he intended to court him, and that was enough as it was, but was it enough for Yuma?

It may be that he was asking for too much. Too much. What did that even mean? Too much. Yuma did have too much of a lot of things.

Too much indifference.

Too much discrimination.

Too much distrust.

Too much dislike.

Too much betrayal.

Too much of everything he didn't need and too little of the things he needed.

Too little attention.

Too little trust.

Too little love.

Too little affection.

Too little understanding.

So what was he supposed to do now—with the feelings of want and longing that kept accumulating inside of him? He wasn't used to that—to want.

And with Shouto sitting besides him, he was convinced he'd never stop wanting.


The bus came to a stop not long after that.

It was about time for them to stretch their legs a little. Sitting in those cramped seats for too long was more than uncomfortable, even with Shouto by his side.

Yuma raised a hand to block out the sun's rays, yet it still managed to slip through the cracks of his fingers. Damn it. Slightly exasperated, he gave up on trying. It was then that he realised where they had stopped.

On a fenced off cliff.

Didn't they leave at the same time with Class 1-B? They were nowhere in sight, now that Yuma paid better attention.

A few of his classmates got the same idea and started asking questions.

Their inquiries were quickly shut down by none other than Aizawa. "There's no point stopping without a reason."

Mineta was curled in on himself as he stood in front of the man. "Where's the bathroom?"

He didn't get an answer, instead a car rolled up from the side, before a voice rang out: "Hey, Eraser!"

"Long time no see." Aizawa lightly bowed his head.

Long time no see?

Yuma arched his neck to look at the new arrivals.

Two women, dressed in similar outfits, struck a pose as they introduced themselves, "Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" One of them went and the other soon followed with: "Stingingly cute and catlike!"

"Wild, Wild Pussycats!"

Cue the silence of 1-A.

Wild, Wild Pussycats? Yuma wasn't sure he was familiar with them.

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