Revelations ~ 7

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The woman's face was like a clear image behind his closed eyelids.

That fear she felt was akin to shackles, it was like a knife slowly twisting in her gut. He wondered why she felt fear on that high of a scale? She was looking straight at him... Why?

Yuma slowly raised his hand and covered the left side of his face. He had felt pain stabbing through that part of him... Burning, scalding pain. It was as if his whole being had been on fire.


He remembered the heat of that night... The black, suffocating smoke...

Who was that woman?


He laid in his bed, silently looking up at the ceiling. The fan above him slowly went round and round, the small lights that hung on it swayed along with it. The bed was soft—too soft—so he sat up, not liking how it felt like he would just slip through it. His bangs slid forward, but he made no move to push them to the side—too spent to do anything.

His toes slid into the soft rug on the side of the bed as he stood up. He almost stumbled forward, tripping over himself, but he managed to stay on his feet.

Slowly, he made his way into the kitchen and caught sight of some apples in a ceramic bowl. Ah... He bought them on the way back from school and forgot about them. Blinking, he reached into a drawer and pulled out a small knife, before he pulled out a chair and sat down, taking the apple in hand.

Somehow, he had a sudden craving for an apple.

Carefully, as to not cut himself, he started cutting the apple into little pieces.

"What did you see?" He froze, Todoroki's voice ringing through his mind. A single, piercing, grey eye flashed before his eyes. "What did you see?" The question was repeated, but Yuma had nothing to say in answer.

He didn't know what he saw, but he knew why he saw it.

Gritting his teeth, his grip on the knife increased, his knuckles going white. He saw it because that boy didn't listen to him. He saw it because they made physical contact. Damn it, does no one listen?! Does no one do what they're told to do?! "Dammit!" He forced out and a moment later he felt pain flash through his hand.

The knife slipped through his fingers, and so did the apple in his other hand. The knife clattered on the floor, tumbling a few feet, leaving behind crimson spots.

Yuma took a deep breath, before a harsh sigh left his lips a moment later. He glanced down at his hand, watching as the blood spilled through his fingers and onto the table. The apple was on the side, dangerously close to the edge. Clenching his injured hand, he whipped it to the side and the apple was sent across the room. It slammed against the wall and rolled across the ground.

He stood up, bare feet pressing against the cold tiles, and left the kitchen.


The water washed over his hand, clearing the blood away, but it did nothing except make room for more of it. He grabbed a white towel from the side and pressed it into his hand, closing his eyes in the process. Judging from the amount of blood that slipped through, he guessed that the wound was deep.

It seems that he'd be left with a scar, but at least it was on his palm and not on a more visible place.

Did he even have bandages? Or band-aids? Did he have anything he could use? "This is... so annoying." He breathed out, leaning against the bathroom wall.

"What did you see?"

He wondered the same thing.


𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now