Today, the sky fell ~ 25

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The sun was dimming, slowly slipping under the dark ocean ahead, and the sound of the waves hitting the shore filled the emptiness that surrounded him.

He was doomed to watch as the sun went black, its heavenly form completely disappearing as the midnight void of the ocean swallowed it, never to release it again.

The sand felt harsh on his bare feet, as if it was digging further and further into his skin with each passing second.

He couldn't move from that single spot—he was trapped.

And then, he heard it—a single crack, one loud enough to inflict pain upon his ear drums. So, he looked ahead, only to be met with bright light peeking out of the sky. That... didn't look right. Not at all. The sun had already gone down and there was nothing else that could light up the sky like that.

But, as he took a closer look, he realised—the loud crack came from the sky.

It's midnight colours were broken apart, allowing the pure whiteness of the bright light to wash over it.

He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that he still couldn't move away. Even as more cracks inflicted harm upon his ear drums, even as the midnight blue was eradicated by the pure white, he still couldn't move.

And then, everything was broken apart.

He reached his hand forward, itching to touch the white light. His skin got covered in it, but there was no warmth, no, there was only a searing feeling that slipped through his skin and into his bones, rendering him unresponsive to anything else except the pain, pain, pain.

Oh, how it all broke so easily.


But, as he opened his eyes, no bright light was there to greet him.

"Yuma?" The sound of his name filled his ears, "Can you hear me?" Who was it? Who was calling out to him?

Slowly, he turned his head to the side and was met with the sight of her, "Auntie...?" He whispered, staring straight at her.

Just that single word seemed to have taken a giant burden off the woman's shoulders, "Yeah, it's auntie..." Chikara nodded her head and blinked her teary eyes to clear the tears away, "Auntie is here."

Her hand was trembling as it took his own.

His eyes slipped shut once again.


The next time he awoke, he was greeted by an empty room.

But, the bright light was back.

He pushed himself up to a sitting position, before a small wince left his lips. His chest throbbed and flickers of pain came from it. Pain...? It took him a few moments to get his thoughts sorted out. Right... The Hero Killer. That happened. He moved the covers from over his middle and glanced down, finding himself shirtless with a large bandage tightly wrapped around his chest. There were specks of blood here and there, but nothing too much.

That was... good.

From the corner of his eye, he saw his phone on the nightstand besides the bed. Seems like it didn't suffer as much as he did. Reaching over to it, he felt the bandages shift, and he pulled back as soon as he had the device in his hands.

Unlocking it, he noticed that it was about to shut off because its battery was almost dead, so he quickly glanced at the time and date before the screen went dark. He barely managed to trail his eyes over the screen and see the details he needed, before the screen went black. Sighing, he leaned back against the pillow.

𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now