Life and Death ~ 22

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After a few minutes or so, they pulled up to a giant building, one completely enveloped by enormous, tinted glass windows, "Isn't glass fragile? What if someone attacked your agency?" He furrowed his brows, looking over the building. Indeed, wherever he looked there was only glass.

"Don't underestimate me, nor the Ayatsuru lineage, Yuma," Chikara spoke, slamming the door car shut, "This building belonged to your grandparents and was passed down to me. The glass surrounding the building is the most durable glass one could get." She aimed a light smirk at him.

A light hum left him as he gently closed the door behind himself, "I see... I was hoping to ask you about my grandparents. I heard strange things." From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Shion didn't get out. Was she not coming with them?

"Sorry, Yuma, I have some things to do. I won't be joining you today." She waved at him and practically glowered at Chikara—who was incessantly shooting obnoxious winks towards her.

"I see. Well, I'll be seeing you soon, then." He waved back and she nodded, the car keys jiggling as she turned them. The engine roared to life and she speed off a moment later.

He turned towards Chikara and saw that she was following the car with her eyes, all the way until it disappeared around the corner. Her posture had slackened and her shoulders had dropped. Longing was clear in her light eyes, "Let's go, I want to show you around the agency and where you'll be staying for the time being." She turned away and stepped towards the glass door.


The moment he stepped inside, he was met with a wide hallway. There was a single desk on the side, and a woman was sitting there. Light clicking noises came from her and Yuma guessed that she was typing on a computer, or something, "I'm back, Nico!" Chikara cheerily greeted the woman, previous longing washed away—or hidden.

"Chikara! Welcome back!" Nico's voice was unexpectedly high-pitched. She also looked quite-young, maybe in her early twenties.

"Did anything happen while I was gone?" Chikara stepped closer to the desk and leaned onto it, grinning at the other woman.

"No, nothing at all, surprisingly. I was expecting some damage reports to come in from your last fight, but nothing arrived... yet," she pointedly stared at Chikara, "You need to hold back from damaging the property around you, that not only takes money from your pockets, but it also worsens your reputation—which isn't that good at the moment."

Well, that wasn't what Yuma expected for her to say. Either she was bold, or she was really close with Chikara.

"That's why I like you better than the previous one who had your position! You get straight to the point!" Chikara laughed, her loud voice resounding through the long hallway.

"You gave me an earful at the beginning about how quiet I was. I just adapted to your personality." Nico brushed her... compliment away, looking like it didn't affect her in any way.

"You did. Well, I'll be going on ahead—ah, by the way, this is Yuma, my nephew. He'll be here during his internship."

Yuma bowed his head and received a nod in return.

With that, he followed after Chikara, tightly holding onto his hero costume case.


"The bathrooms are here and the dinning area is there," Chikara pointed in various directions, "You will be staying in the upper part, there's a room ready for you."

A room? "Wait, what? I'm staying here?" That was new information for him.

"Of course you are. I'm not going to make you go by train each day to get here and back to your apartment." Chikara stated, as if that was obvious.

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