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Maheen was working in her office when she got the call of his father's illness. She was shocked to her core and het mind was so hazy to process what was even going on there. When she came to grasp the situation, she hurriedly picked her bag and ran out of her office. Shahzar, who was coming out of his office to give the legal conditions file to his boss, saw her running. He was worried so he gave the file to his boss's PA and ran behind Maheen.

Maheen had already boarded her car and went in full speed outside the office. Shahzar sped up and chased Maheen in his own car. Maheen parked the car outside the hospital and came to the reception asking about Asif Baig. Meanwhile, Shahzar understood the situation as he saw the hospital. He knew Asif Baig was ill. He ran behind Maheen. Both of them came to halt as they saw Asiya Baig sitting outside the ICU and Sofiya hugging her as both of them were shedding tears.

Maheen came forward and sat on her knees in front of her mother.

"How did this happen ammi. Abbu was alright when I left this morning."

She asked.

"I don't know. He just collapsed on the floor after taking his tea. I don't know Maheen what is happening beta. Please pray to Allah to save him. He is my everything."

Asiya Baig replied while crying.

Maheen was crying but she had to strengthen her heart for the sake of her mother and sister. She soothed her mother as she picked her hands and rubbed them. After a while she sat beside them and hugged both of them.

Shahzar was standing in the corner seeing the heart wrenching scene. He couldn't believe that his friend like uncle was in such condition. He leaned against the wall as he waited for the doctors to come.

Minutes passed away but they felt as heavy as hours for the Baig family waited, for only the loved ones know the pain of it when the fate of your own flesh and blood is just a game of several breaths.

After a long wait, doctors came out. Maheen rushed towards him while Shahzar also stepped forward.

"How is he now? Is he out of danger?"

Maheen asked frantically.

"He had a heart attack but now he is fine. Try not to stress him and put strain on his heart. He is weak for a person of his age. You can meet him once we shift him to private room."

The doctor answered professionally.

Meanwhile, Asiya and Sofia had acknowledged Shahzar's presence. Sofiya hugged him as Shahzar calmed her. Shahzar patted her head while squeezed Asiya Baig's hand assuring her that everything will be fine.

After listening to doctor's statement, all of them relaxed. Maheen moved back to hug her mother but was stunned to see Shahzar there. She covered her expression and ignored him while hugging her mother.


"Maheen beta come here."

After waking up, Asif Baig saw his family. After assuring them that he was fine, he called out for Maheen.

"If I ask you something will you do it for me?"

Asif Baig said.

"I'll do anything for you Abbu. You only order me don't request like that."

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