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~ Gharror parwar anna ka malik kuch iss trhan ke naam mere hain magar

   Qasam se jo tum ne aik naam pukara tou mein tumhara.

   Qasam se jo tum ne aik naam pukara tou mein tumhara

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Saahir ran frantically as he saw no one on the shopping floor where he had left Mahrukh. He went from store to store as he shouted her name. He felt so helpless and careless over losing his own Mehram at the time of chaos and going in search of a person who wasn't even his.

"Come to me one time. I swear I won't leave your side ever. This love has brought only pain for me, for us. I would make everything right. I would even forget Hoor. Just please Allah give her back to me." He whispered to himself.

Just then he saw a figure lying in a cubicle. With all the fear engulfing his heart, he went towards the person. Horrified, he saw Mahrukh lying down with a little blood coming from her nose. He bent down and picked her up. He frantically ran to the exit. Hoor and Shaan were already in the car. Hoor was continuously praying for the well-being for her.

"Bhai is here. Mahrukh aapi is also with him." Shaan shouted. Hoor looked up with teary eyes and was shocked at seeing Mahrukh unconscious in his arms. She got out of the car and went towards them.

"I am telling you if anything happens to my sister, I would never forgive you. You left her there when you were her protector." Hoor saw Mahrukh's blood and shouted at Saahir. Saahir was already feeling guilty as he ran towards the car and placed Mahrukh on the back seat and Hoor sat on the other side and placed Mahrukh's head in her lap. Shaan sat on the front seat while Saahir raced the car to the hospital. Hoor was crying constantly as she chanted prayers under her breath.

Saahir parked the car and picked up Mahrukh rushing to the ICU. Doctors came and took her inside. Saahir already informed their parents and they were on the way. Hoor sat on the bench outside and was silently staring at the walls in front of her. Saahir wasn't able to meet his own eyes. All his life her mother taught her to protect women and respect them, so what good would the values do to him if he can't even implement in his own life.

Amjad, Usman and Neha came and saw all the children sitting outside ICU. Hoor saw Neha and cried hugging her while Amjad and Usman hugged Saahir and asked about Mahrukh's condition. Fiza and Saniya were at home praying for her life.

Just then the doctor came out with nurses behind him.

"What happened, doctor? Is my daughter okay?" Amjad sahib came forward.

"Your daughter already has anxiety disorder and due to anxiety and fear she had encountered nervous breakdown. Her condition is not stable as if she was already tensed about something. If she doesn't wake up soon, she can go in a coma." Doctor said seriously as he patted Amjad's shoulder and moved past him.

Everyone was shocked to hear this. Mahrukh being the eldest in the house was cherished by everyone. Hoor looked at Saahir who was already looking at her. She glared him and hugged her mother who was crying loudly now. Shaan consoled his Tayi. Saahir's world looked as if it had stilled. He rushed to outside and went to the mosque. He cried as he prayed for the wellness of Mahrukh. Everything around him was a whirl.

"Allah please don't take her away from me. I know I don't deserve her but I promise I will do anything to make it better." He prayed in his sujood.

"Please come back Mahrukh." A lone tear escaped his eye as he whispered.


"She is no more in unconscious state. You can meet her one at a time. She is still weak so don't pressurize her into telling everything nor give her any tension."

Everyone gave out a sigh of relief as doctor informed them. Hoor went to prayer room to pray shukrana nafal (prayer of gratitude). First one was Neha to go in the room. She cried tears of happiness on seeing her daughter consoling her about her health. Everyone visited one by one. Saahir came from the mosque and was informed about her health. He sighed in relief. Hoor ignored him all the time. It was decided that Saahir and Amjad would stay for the night and everyone else would go home and visit in the morning.

Saahir had yet not visited her while Mahrukh was anxiously waiting for Saahir to come. Amjad Sahib had gone to pray his Isha prayer when Saahir decided to see her as he knew she would be asleep now.

He went in the room and sat beside her on the bed. He took her hands in his and placed his forehead on them. He cried guiltily and chanted "Sorry" again and again as he kissed her palms.

Mahrukh woke up feeling wetness on her hands. She looked up and saw a crying Saahir sitting on the bed kissing her hands.

"Assalam ulaikum." She whispered softly and smiled.

Saahir's gaze went to her peaceful face.

"Mahrukh jaan I am sorry for leaving you there. I know I never behaved good with you and I regret wasting the moments of love with you. Please forgive me once." He looked into her eyes as her eyes softened.

"It was not your fault. Fate had decided this for us. As for the moments of love, yes you have wasted them. How boring of a person, you are!" She said the last part amused.

Saahir was in awe as he saw her eyes sparkling.

"Jaan let's make a moment now then." He said and before Mahrukh could react Saahir engulfed her in a hug and tightly pecked her lips. She was shocked to the core. Saahir looked at her smilingly and wiggled his eyebrows. Mahrukh blushed profusely and tried to get out of his embrace.

"Someone will come. Please leave me."

"I will never leave you even for a thousand years. And for someone to come, I have already locked the door to give us some privacy." He said and laid down beside her placing his head in her hair. She laughed wholeheartedly on his vile move and then embraced him sleeping peacefully after a long time.


Fate had decided the meeting of the two souls and fate would decide their separation in the attempt to complete the forgotten love. Who knows what will take place in the future?


Just an update to show all the Mahrukh supporters out there that she had finally found love. 😊

I wanted to make it a sad one but I didn't...... 😉

Next chapter will have some cute Maahir moments and a breaking news too. 

Vote and comment. Waiting for your feedback and stay safe guys.

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