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4 years later:

"Get up or you'll be late for the court hearing today." Maheen called out Shahzar who was sleeping soundly on his stomach, shirtless while all his hair was spread on his forehead. Maheen gathered Hassan's toys as she took a good look of his handsome husband. Shahzar had been working a new case for two weeks. The case was on Hamdani Industry against child labor. After his last encounter against Hamdani Industry, Shahzar was super conscious this time as he gathered all the evidence against them. He looked at every aspect of the case keenly and prepared a strong case against the industry for keeping underage workers in their factories. At last, the day of hearing was announced and he took a sigh of relief. He had not given much time to his family but he was sure that after winning the case he would definitely plan a vacation for his family.


In the last few years many things had changed. Asif Baig had died in his sleep leaving a mourning Asiya, Sofiya and Maheen behind. It was a hard time for the Baigs but Shahzar supported each of them whole-heartedly. Asif Baig was important for him as well. He insisted that Sofiya and Asiya be shifted to their house so that all of them could live together and take care of each other in this difficult time. Asiya was reluctant but Maheen convinced her so that they shifted in Shahzar's house. Since Shahzar was sometimes busy in cases, so Asiya's shift to their house helped him as he was now peaceful from Maheen's side.


"Get up Shahzar I am telling this for the last time. You always sleep late yourself and later on put all the blame on me and Hassan." Maheen shook Shahzar's shoulder and called him once more. Shahzar sleepily opened his half eye and looked at his beautiful wife. Maheen had not changed in all these years. She was still bewitching for Shahzar. Shahzar was still head over heels for her. He smiled and pulled Maheen towards himself. He hugged her and closed his eyes.

"Shahzar, what are you doing? Get up before its late. You have an important hearing today."

Maheen frowned and scolded him. Maheen's angry speech was cut off with a soft kiss on her lips. Shahzar kissed her lovingly while hugging her. Maheen relaxed under Shahzar's touch and kissed him back. After a few seconds, Shahzar left her and looked at her blushed face.

"I missed you." Maheen said against his chest as she hugged him back.

"I missed you too. I promise you once this case is done, I would only give my time to my family. Just pray that I win this case." Shahzar said against her hair as he kissed on top of her head.

"Insha Allah you will win." Maheen said. They relaxed in each other's embrace. But their peace was short lived as four-year-old Hassan loudly knocked on the door. Shahzar was startled for a moment but he knew how hyperactive his son could be. Just then he glanced towards the clock and saw that time was already half past 8 while he had to be at the hearing at 10. He quickly got up and ran towards the bathroom where his clothes were already hung. Maheen shook her head as she got up of the bed and opened the door. She picked up Hassan and went outside where Asiya was sitting in the lounge while breakfast was being served by the maid on the table. Sofiya had gone to university by then. Maheen said her salaam to her mother and placed Hassan on the chair as she presented him with bowl of fruits. Shahzar came out of the room and said his salaam to his mother in law. Asiya pecked his forehead and blew prayers on him.

"I will not eat breakfast. I am already late. Please pray for the hearing. I will come home soon."

Shahzar said as he kissed his son's cheek, who giggled, and pecked his wife's lips. Maheen profusely blushed as Shahzar smirked and went outside. Maheen and Hassan did their breakfast as Hassan started playing with his toys and Maheen started instructing the maid about cleaning the house.

No even an hour has passed when the cell phone rang. Maheen picked up the phone and saw an unknown number. She frowned and picked up the call. Her face left all the color as someone informed her about Shahzar's car accident. Maheen's contact was the one most frequently used so the person immediately called her. Shahzar was taken to the hospital as a truck nearly crushed his car and he was badly injured. Maheen asked for the hospital while crying. The person informed her and cut the call.

Maheen cried and ran towards her mother's room informing her. Maheen and Asiya immediately rushed to the hospital leaving Hassan with the maid. Maheen cried the whole way on her mother's shoulder while Asiya prayed.

The receptionist guided them to the ICU as they reached the hospital. The red light of Operation Theatre was glowing showing that the surgery was still going on. Maheen dumped herself on the nearby bench and cried while Asiya sat beside her consoling her.

"Why is it that everyone I love has to leave me. First, the misunderstanding caused me and Shahzar to be away form each other. Then Abbu left us amidst all this and now Shahzar is here. I want to know when all this will finish. I will die if something happens to him. I am nothing without him."

"Beta everything happens according to Allah's will. One can't blame oneself for everything bad happening. If Allah has brought a difficulty for us then surely, he is the one who will subside the pain. You just have to believe and pray."

Asiya said as she patted her shoulder. Maheen and Asiya prayed for the next hour as the operation went on. After painfully long 4 hours, doctors came out. Maheen rushed towards them and asked about Shahzar's health.

"Mrs. Shahzar, the surgery was successful but he must gain conscious in next 24 hours so that he doesn't go into coma."

"Can I meet him doctor?" Maheen asked.

"Yes, you can but don't disturb the patient too much." The doctor said.

Maheen rushed inside. Her eyes welled up on seeing the plaster on Shahzar's legs and right arm. She came forward and picked Shahzar's hand in hers. She kissed his palm lovingly and looked at his weak self.

"Shahzar please get up. I love you from the depth of my heart. You can't leave me broken like this. You have to live for me and for our children. You know I got the reports yesterday and you are going to be a father again. I know you always wanted a daughter to cherish so, please Shahzar open your eyes again for your baby girl. I promise I would never tease you again. Please come back to me."

Maheen said and placed her head on his palm. She cried silently until she heard a voice.

"Is it true?"

Maheen was startled as she looked up and saw Shahzar grinning ear to ear. She felt peace and calm on seeing his smiling face.

"Yes." Maheen smiled and came forward to hug him. Shahzar kissed her on the lips and cried happy tears. He thanked Allah for keeping him safe despite the accident for his family and his Maheen.


Later on, it was confirmed that the accident was done by Hamdani's so that Shahzar's may not present himself in the court and hearing be dismissed. Unfortunately, he had given all of the proofs to his fellow attorney who presented everything on time. The judge gave the decision against the industry and Mr. Hamdani was arrested.


So a long update for all as Eidi. I know it's not good enough but still I tried. Please give feedback and Eid mubarak once again. Take care ✨

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