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It was the brightest morning for Shahzar as he saw Maheen, his wife the Noor of his life lying in his arms. He touched her forehead and smiled as Maheen snuggled close to him.

They had just slept after offering the morning prayer and now it was 10’o clock striking on the clock.

“Please wake up now, jaan. Your parents and Sofiya would be here any moment now and you definitely don’t want to make them come up here and see us like this.”

Shahzar smirked as he saw Maheen’s ears turning red on the mention of their entangled position. Maheen shyly opened her eyes and looked upward at Shahzar’s face. As she saw him smirking, she hit him on the chest playfully and rolled back on the bed while faking an angry face. Shahzar smiled on her antics and his heart felt full of love on seeing that after a long time someone was there who was the piece of his heart and would never leave him alone. Someone who would care for him and worry for him. Someone who would wake up late for him and for whom Shahzar would do anything to bring a smile on her face.

Shahzar hovered above Maheen and gave a peck on her lips and hugged her.

“Promise me, my Janaan you would never leave me. I have lost many people in my life and the last I would want to lose is you.”

Maheen smiled and hugged him back.

“Never, Shahzar, never.”

Shahzar and Maheen then changed their clothes and got ready as the bell rang. Sofiya, Asif Baig and Asiya Baig were standing at their doorstep. They welcomed them inside. Asif Baig was content on seeing the smile on Maheen’s face. For the first time in a long time, he felt peaceful. Maheen came forward and hugged her parents and Sofiya.

Later on, breakfast was laid on the table and everyone enjoyed the meal with Shahzar teasing Sofiya and Sofiya whining and clinging onto her Aapi’s arm. Life was indeed not an easy journey for them but with their patience and the hope to make everything write, they eventually succeeded in making it worth living.

1 year later:

Shahzar, I am telling you not to dare to touch me again or even come in my proximity if you want to live more.”

Maheen cried out loud as the contractions were getting harder for her to endure. Shahzar stood near her hospital bed as sweat was visible on his forehead.

“Ok Janan as you say. Wesay bhi aik hi baar kr raha hun ye sab. Meri tauba jo mazeed bachon ke baaray mein sochun” (I am doing it for once. God forbid me that I think of having any more children.)

Shahzar whispered the last part as he knew Maheen would not hesitate to kill him then and there.

Just then doctor entered wearing gloves and inspected her. As she deemed her ready, she asked her to push. Maheen cried and shouted as she pushed while Shahzar whispered sweet words in her ears. After a half an hour, finally a small baby came out. Maheen smiled as she saw the baby while Shahzar was awestruck on the sight before him.

“It’s a boy.” Doctor announced.

Maheen cried on Shahzar’s shoulder while Shahzar hugged her. Baby was taken to be cleaned and Maheen was shifted into the room. Shahzar kissed her forehead as they found the time alone.

Shukran for this precious gift. My love and respect for you increases every day.”

Maheen smiled on his remark.

“Someone was saying a while ago that no more children for them. I think that someone must stick to his word.”
Maheen smiled mischievously as she eyed a dumbfounded Shahzar.

Shahzar didn’t know that Maheen heard him but as the words registered in his mind and he looked at her face, he knew she was just teasing him. Maheen laughed loudly and Shahzar hugged her.

“Now I am thinking of having a football team of children.”

Shahzar whispered in her ear and laughed and Maheen pinched him.

After an hour or so, Asif Baig, Asiya Baig and Sofiya arrived with sweets and gifts in their hands while nurse brought the baby after all the necessary check ups wrapped up in a blue blanket.

Asif Baig kissed his forehead and smiled with teary eyes. He passed the baby to Asiya who was the happiest grandmother. She recited holy verses and smiled as the baby wriggled in her arms.

“So, what are we going to name our prince?”

Asif said as he saw Sofiya now playing with the baby’s tiny hands.

“Hassan Shahzar Shahzaib.”
Shahzar said as Maheen smiled.

Masha Allah said everyone.

The family which started off as a worried one had finally found peace among all the worries in the world.


And it is a wrap. I know a shitty episode but pleaseeeee deal with it. An epilogue coming soon (not that soon though). Stay blessed guys and pray for me too. Love you 💞

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