A Meme You've Seen Before

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"Wow," Jason says. "I thought the Greeks were unorganized."

"I'm surprised that you'd think that, Jason," Percy says, a hand dramatically resting on his heart. "At the battle with Gaia, we were in the heat of the moment. I had no time- I could only assume they already had a plan. And we won, didn't we?"

Annabeth backs Percy up, saying, "Percy has a point. When we went to war with Kronos, we had a lot of time to think it out. Years, actually. With Gaia, we knew about the threat for only a little while beforehand, and so we already had a plan. Never assume we don't have a plan, Jason. Because we do."

Jason stares at them for a minute. "Wow" is all he says.

"Yeah, 'wow'," Frank agrees. "That's an amazing point."

Leo snickers. "Don't you mean..."

"Oh no," Frank says.

"AmaZHANG?" Leo bursts out laughing.

Frank groans. 

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