Brason or Japler?

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"Jason..." Piper starts. "Are you cheating on me with a brick and a stapler?"

"What?" Jason gasps. "I would never!"

Percy leans over and whispers to Leo, "He's totally cheating on her."

Leo bursts out laughing, causing everyone to look over at him.

"What's so funny?" Jason asks, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Leo continues laughing with a shit-eating grin on his face, but manages to point to Percy.

"Well?" Piper asks Percy. 

"Uh..." Percy says, trying to think of an excuse. "I ship Japler more than Brason?"

Everyone looks at him weirdly. 

"You made ship names?" Annabeth asks her boyfriend.

"No?" It comes out as a question.

"The ship names are on the image," the person says.

Annabeth's mouth forms an 'O'. 

"Well," Leo says, finally controlling his laughter. "I like Brason better-"

Piper wacks Leo over the head. (While typing this, my brain went "Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal!" I completely agree with my brain. That vine perfectly represents Leo and Piper's relationship.)

The person smiles. "Well, as much as I love Jasper, if I had to choose between these two, I'd go for Brason."

"Jasper?" Hazel asks.

"Jason and Piper," the person says. "Some people like Jiper better, but I prefer Jasper."

Frank looks uncomfortable. "Okay, but why do people ship Jason with a stapler?"

The person points to the scar on Jason's lip. "Isn't it obvious? You know, some people ship Jason with a TV-"

"Why is Jason shipped with so many inanimate objects?" Annabeth questions.

"He's not the only one," the person says. "There's a ship called Pertide-"

"Per..." Percy scrunches his eyebrows together, clearly trying to put together the two names. "Tide? Percy... Riptide? People ship me with my sword?"

"Yes," the person answers. "Your sword is a girl, is it not?"

"Swords can't have genders-" Jason starts.

"Yeah," Percy says, sighing. "Riptide is a girl."

Everyone (except for Annabeth and the person) looks at him weirdly. 

"How do you know?" Leo asks.

"A talking sword told me," Percy says, looking Leo dead in the eyes.

"Then the talking sword took Riptide on a date," Annabeth adds.

"Yeah, okay," Piper says, not believing her friends. 

"They're telling the truth," the person says. "I read it. It was weird."

Percy and Annabeth simply nod. It was weird.


So? What do you guys like better? Japler or Brason?

For children of Aphrodite! At first I was going to do Twilight as a joke, but I decided against it. So I've decided to give you a book I thoroughly enjoyed. Shifters, vampires, the Victorian era, corsets, a wonderful female protagonist- and don't forget the amazing love story! If you enjoy all or some of these things, I give you:


by Gail Carriger

I've only read the first book, but I can assure you it was amazing. If you don't think it sounds that good, just go read the reviews! Warning:

In this book, there is sex. If you don't feel comfortable reading that, read it and skip over the scenes. It's still a very good book.

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