Attack The Blond Roman

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What are some questions you have for me? I'm doing a really long tag, so ask me questions and I'll answer them there.


"I just casually lick his ear," Percy says with a grin. "I love it."

"Oo, Jason looks mad." Piper smirks, elbowing Jason. "Are you maaad, Jason?"

Jason is just trying to keep a straight face.

Leo cackles. "Oh, Jasooonnnnn, what's wrong?" 

Percy crawls over and tries to lick Jason's ear.

Jason slaps him away. 

"Ooo, I think he's mad~" Percy says in a sing-song voice.

Jason blushes.

"No, he's embarrassed!" Leo exclaims excitedly. "What a turn of events!"

Meanwhile, Annabeth, Frank and Hazel are watching in amusement as the three demigods harass poor Jason.

Leo hops on Jason's back and pats the Roman's head. "Floofy."

"Really?" Percy asks.

Leo turns to see Percy with Piper on his back.

"Let me feel it! Let me feel it!" Piper says, like a child, her legs wrapped around Percy's body. "I want to feel his hair, Percy!"

Percy goes over to Jason and touches his hair. "Oo, it is fluffy!"

Piper excitedly pets her boyfriend. She gasps. "So soft!"

Leo wraps his arms around Jason's neck and kicks him in the side. "Onward, my mighty steed!"

Jason tries to wiggle Leo off, but the scrawny son of Hephaestus wont budge. 

Leo kicks again. "I said, ONWARD!"

Jason runs in circles around the room with Leo on his back the entire time.

"You too!" Piper says, nudging Percy to go.

Percy happily joins in on running with Jason, though he soon gets winded and needs to take a break. (Frick you, Tartarus air.)

Piper pouts and hops off. "Whelp, it was fun while it lasted."

After a few more minutes of running, Jason collapses into a tired heap.

Leo awkwardly falls off. "Ow!"

The image changes.

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