He Never Was a Quiet Kid

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A/N This is going to be super depressing because I write depressing stuff. You know that if you've read my USM one-shots. If you haven't and are familiar with Ultimate Spider-man, please go read those. It's one of my most popular books.

...I should make a one-shot like that. Depressed Percy. Thoughts?

Maybe not. I'm already writing a Nico/Thalia/Percy (NOT SHIP, FRIENDSHIP) one-shot, and a Patrochilles shot...


Percy's hand unintentionally travels over to a small, old scar on his wrist. He remembers the day he got it like it was yesterday. He never really was a quiet kid.

Leo laughed nervously. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Annabeth puts her hand on Percy's shoulder and squeezes it gently, as if to comfort him. "I think you know what it means, Leo."

Leo cringed. He had an idea, but he had hoped it wasn't true. "Oh. Oh, man. Dude, I never..." he trailed off, not quite knowing what to say. 

Hazel's eyebrows furrowed. Her mind went to her old teachers, how they would hit her with a paddle or ruler when she did something wrong. She knew teachers didn't do that anymore. She knew Percy's mother would never hurt him... So what was he talking about. "I-I don't understand."

Percy's hand moves over some of his scars, a brooding expression on his face. He hummed to himself. "My old step-father didn't really like me."

The gears in Hazel's brain, and everyone else's, connected the dots. 

"Oh," Frank says, staring at the floor.

"You all had pretty shitty pasts," the person remarks, looking at the group. "I mean, I've always wondered who had it the worst. Percy and Leo are pretty good candidates, but Hazel died, Annabeth ran away, and Jason was abandoned at the age of 3. Frank didn't even have that bad of a past. Hell, if we're not counting his demigod life, I had a worse past than him."

The demigods stared blankly at the person for a moment. Then, they looked at each other, as if trying to see into each others memories.

"Like, Leo had a crazy aunt who was secretly Hera who tried to kill him, and he ran away from his foster homes several times. Percy grew up in poverty, was abused, and was looked down upon as stupid due to his disabilities. And he was kicked out of every single school for random accidents."

Everyone turned towards the two boys and saw them in a new light.

"How do you know that?" Percy asks the person, removing his hands from his myriad of scars. 

"I read the books," the person says. Though everyone has questions, no one asks them. "All right, on to the next one!"


For children of Hephaestus! If you like world-building, futuristic settings, and steampunk, I totally recommend this to you! Before I read this book, I'd never read anything considered "steampunk", but this book opened my eyes to an entire world of possibilities. The adventure is amazing, the world is alive, and the characters are memorable. If you love all these things, I give you:

Mortal Engines

by Philip Reeve

I've only read the first two books (I own the next 2, I just haven't gotten around to reading them), but from what I've read so far, it's an excellent series. It's been a few months since I read it, but I can still remember a lot about the characters, which speaks for itself. 

Like most (if not all) of the books I'm recommending, I read this before Percy Jackson. So.. yeah. I hope you children of Hephaestus enjoy this!

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