The Fearsome & Deadly Children of the Big Three

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A/N So I didn't even advertise this but most of you still found it??? Whatever, it's just a side thing :P
Have fun reading this I guess-


They all stare at the image.

"What-" Jason starts. "Wait, I don't get it. Who was a guinea pig?"

Percy blushes, making Annabeth grin. "It's a funny story, really," she says.

Percy tries to hide his face in his hands. "You promised not to tell anyone!"

Leo grins. "Oh, I want to know this story."

Percy shakes his head, smirking. "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you."

Leo looks horrified, making Annabeth whack Percy on the back of the head.

"Well, it all started with Circe-" she starts only to be cut off from Percy putting his hand over her mouth.

"Sh, Annabeth," he tells his girlfriend. "No one has to know. If you tell them, I'll make sure they know what happened when I walked in on my own funeral."

"You- what?" Leo asks. "Never mind, I don't want to know."

Hazel smiles. "Good thing I already know the story, then."

"You know what?" Annabeth says dramatically. "I give up!"

Percy grins, pecking her cheek. 

"Okay, onto the next one!" the person says, and another image appears on the screen.

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