LOL Percy

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AGH- Sorry for not updating. At first, I honestly thought no one would read this but... Here we are. Over a hundred people have read each chapter and I'm literally freaking out because some of my (crappy, old) stories have less than 100 reads. 

Anyways, no one is reading this, so here's a chapter with FAN ART!


"This isn't a meme," Leo says.

"No," Piper agrees. "It's better."

"It's me," Percy says. "It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen."

Annabeth looks at Percy strangely. "You're so weird, Seaweed Brain."

"What's anime?" Hazel asks, pronouncing "anime" as annie-me.

"Anime is basically Japanese  cartoons," the person says. Sk8r scrunches up sk8r nose, and adds, "Man, if I described it wrong a bunch of my anime-watching readers will probably attack me." (Future me, a weeb: ._.)

"Readers?" Jason asks.

The person sighs. "Never mind."

"Why does Percy's hair look blue?" Frank asks.

They all turn towards the image.

"Hm," Percy says. "You're right." He turns to Annabeth. "Annabeth, should I-"

Annabeth cuts him off. "Dye your hair blue? No. If you really want to, ask your mom. Or the weirdo with a fish named Jason."

"Hey!" sk8r says defensively. "Don't bring my fish into this."

"So, can I dye my hair blue?" Percy, weirdly enough, asks the person.

The person pulls out sk8r phone, scrolling through something. "Hm. Oh! Here. This should make you feel better."

The next image appears.

The 7 React To Percy Jackson Memes/HeadcanonsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang