Vote And Follow Me Or Else This Will Be In Your Bed Tonight

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To all my readers out there:

Please never catcall someone. People feel uncomfortable when you do. The memory sticks with us for a long time. Trust me. I don't think I'll ever forget last night.


"What is that... thing?" Leo asks.

"I think it's a cyclops trying to appear human," Frank responds.

"I'll give you a hint," the person says. "It's someone you've all met before."

"It's ears are so big," Percy comments.

"I think it's a he," Annabeth says, tipping her head to the side and squinting.

"That jacket is really ugly," Piper comments.

Jason looks at Piper weirdly. "Pipes, your Aphrodite is showing."

"I think it's a Canadian or something," Hazel says.

Frank looks offended.

"Actually, it's an Italian," the person says, smiling evilly. 

Percy jumps up in horror and realization. "Oh gods, is that supposed to be Nico?"

Leo squints. "I don't see it."

"That's why we call it cursed fan-art." The person sighs. "You should see Annabeth and Percy's."

"No!" Annabeth exclaims. Then, more calmly, she adds, "No thank you. We don't need to see it."

"Eh," the person says, shrugging. "It's not up to you. It's up to the readers to decide."

Annabeth looks confused. "Readers?"

"Shh," the person says, putting a finger on Annabeth's lips. "Names have power. We do not speak of the fangirls here, they have enough power to break through the forth wall if they tried. And they've tried."

Annabeth looks horrified. She nods quickly. 

"Good." The person smiles.

Hazel is confused. But nobody notices. 

Nobody says anything.

Because fangirls are too powerful. 

And they know it.

Happy birthday, Jason :D

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