Chapter 3: Cold

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It's cold. So cold.

I don't want to get out of bed at all, but I have work today, so I have to get up and suffer.

I've been up for like 20 minutes already and have been whining the whole time, well whining in the sense that I've been grunting and groaning as I toss and turn. Like sue me, I hate the cold.

But I don't have a choice, so with a very long sigh I finally get out from under the 3 layers of blankets and quickly run into the bathroom, straight towards the shower, waiting for it to heat up before I can actually get in.

After about seven minutes I get out the steaming shower, realizing I'm now feeling a little too warm. Great! Seems the temperature isn't on my side today.

Though I know that the second I step outside the bathroom I'm going to become an ice block if not dressed warmly enough. So hastily after re-entering my room I choose to wear a thick sweater, jeans, socks and a scarf.

Now I'm prepared for the suffering!

Heading to the kitchen I decide on having a warm breakfast and make myself some coffee before making a slice of toast with avo.

And once that's done I'm washing the dishes and cleaning up, the sound of cutlery clashing and clinking against one another echoing in the quiet apartment.

Once everything's done I'm making my way to the car park, and as expected, it's the fucking North pole outside. But with all the strength I have I make it to my car without running back inside.

And as soon as I'm in the car the heater's been turned on, leaving me to wait a bit while I let the car warm up before heading out.


Once inside the store I'm exhaling a sigh of relief as the heat of the AC hits me, though it's not natural heat it still does the trick.

"You look like a baby wrapped up in a blanket." Laughs Beau as I walk into the staff's room, I scowl in return.

"Hey! It's fucking cold out there, I wouldn't be surprised if it starts snowing." I defend, scowl still present.

"Wouldn't that be something." She replies wistfully.

I scoff. "Yeah. I very killing something."

"Oh shush you big baby." She says cooing playfully

"You shush." I retort, to which she replies by pulling her tongue at me childishly.

"Oh and I'm the baby." I say, pretend indignation laced in my voice.

"Yes." She says without hesitation, and seconds later I'm laughing, trying to stifle the noise, though coming up fruitless in the end.

"What's he laughing about?" Curiously asks Yacht upon his arrival, receiving nothing but a shrug from Beau.

"I'm not entirely sure."

"I always knew he was crazy." He 'whispers', eyes still fixed on me.

"Am not!" Yacht's eyes form slits as he looks me over, an unsure frown on his face.

"Yeah, I wouldn't count on that."

I huff turning away toward my locker, completely my usual routine before closing it and heading back out. But not before directing a glare at my two childish friends.

Today I'm working the register, so I won't have to do all that much. Sure I'll be busy, but I won't be walking around helping the customers.

The store actually gets a lot of customers daily. It's quite popular, and since Chereen only has one store it can get quite busy on some days, it's never really a slow day when you work here.

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