Chapter 9: Our Child

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Music plays from the speaker of my phone on full volume as I move around my apartment getting everything I need for the time I stay at Boun's.

I might need to come back here for some clothes and stuff though.

It's going to take a while for it all to be done. They've got to take down the section of the wall, fix the pipe that's leaking, take off all the mold, re-build the wall and paint it.

It's quite a lot to do. But P'Pothittom said the longest it would take is maybe 2 weeks.

I'm cool with that. It's just that I don't want to bother Boun too much. I know he said he was more then happy with me staying with him, but I just don't want to get in the way.

But then there's another part of me that couldn't be happier that I'm staying with him. He's my best friend and I enjoy spending time with him, talking with him, doing things with him like we used to in school.

We actually got in trouble a lot at school for doing stupid things or skipping. But it didn't really matter, we were having fun, we were together and couldn't be happier.

I smile at my old memories. Those really were the good old days.

That made me sound old, it was only like 7 or 8 years ago, I'm only 24.

I finish packing what I need and start getting ready to leave.

It's going to be strange not waking up in my bed in the morning and things like that, but I adapt to new things quite quickly so I'll get used to it in like 2 days.

I lock up and head to my car. The landlord will open for the workers when they come, so I don't need to worry about that.

I make it to my car and put all my stuff in the boot. Then put on one of my playlists and tell him I'm on my way, then I'm off.


I place my bags in front of his door so I can give it a knock, and within seconds he's opened it.

"H-hey." He gives me a smile.

"Hey." He steps aside and I bend down to get my other 2 bags.

"No no, I'll get them for you."

"Okay, thanks."

I walk in and am instantly greet by one the cutest things ever.

"Lulu! Oh I missed you so much, look at you, you've gotten even cuter!"

I bend down and start scratching behind her ears, which makes her roll onto her back.

"Don't let her cuteness fool you. She can be a little devil at times."

"Lies, you're a little angel, aren't you girl?"

She sits up and tries to kiss my face, making me laugh.

"Come on, I'll show you to the guest room."


I give Lu a kiss on the nose before getting up and following Boun the room I will be staying in.

It's basically the same size as my room, maybe just a little bit smaller.

"So I was thinking while I stay here I can do all the shopping and stuff and pay half of the bill." I say as we place my stuff on the bed.

"What, you don't need to do that. I offered, so there's no need for that sort of stuff. And it's not like you're going to be staying here for a month, so don't worry."



"Fine, but I still want to buy all the groceries."

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