Chapter 5: The Smile

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I don't know what's gotten into me? I've just been feeling so... so bubbly.

Like now, I'm dancing around my kitchen to my 'favourite songs' playlist with a bright smile on my face, and I don't know why.

I mean I do do this kind of stuff all the time, but it just feels different this time, a feeling of undiminishable joy and pure unadulterated happiness.

I sing my heart out and just dance however I feel like, my feet carrying themselves to every new beat that comes with each song, and it feels so good to just let it out. Whatever it is I apparently want to let out.

Today's a Tuesday so I don't have work and am just enjoying my free time, I know I have a lot of free time, but still, you can never really get enough of it.

And as well as feeling the need to express myself, I was also feeling for something sweet, so I decided to get off my ass and make chocolate cupcakes, as well as cookies because I was feeling for both and couldn't choose.

So as of right now I'm working on the cookie dough, having decided on making it from scratch, though I keep on getting distracted every time a new song comes on, proving to slow me down, but I was slowly getting it done.

And once that was done I started on making the mixture for the cupcakes, the tasks working on keeping me busy, never leaving me without something to do.

While adding the needed ingredients to the mixture my mind wonders back to last Saturday with Boun, when we had gone out for lunch for the first time in a while.

I must say I've always enjoyed spending time with him, he can always find a way to make me laugh and never seems to run out of ways to lift my spirits.

We've been friends for 11 years now. Our friends always tease us for having being friends for so long without having any real problems or getting into arguments. But that's because we always talk it out, it's usually all just a misunderstanding, or something stupid. We've never been able to stay mad at each other for very long, one of us caving in sooner or later to clear up the whole thing so we can just move on and forget about it, leaving it in the past, where it belongs.

That's one of the things I love about our friendship, we were always level-headed enough to sort out our problems. And we were also closer with each other than our other friends, still are.

Almost like brothers, though we're the furthest thing from it. Because even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to see him in that way. Because there's a difference from being related to having a bond.

Family you know like the back of your hand, but you can only know so much about a friend till your knowledge on them eventually runs out.

Getting pulled out from my thoughts as a loud sound goes through the apartment, I look up and around only to realize the noise had come from the song that's playing, the bass having dropped drastically enough to catch my attention.

I shake the thoughts from of my head, getting back to the task at hand, beginning to make a breakthrough with the brown mixture.


The timer on my phone goes off, telling me that the cookies are ready to be taken out, and damn did they look delicious. They're a beautiful golden brown colour and looked like something out of a cook book.

I didn't understand it, sometimes I can get them just right, and other times they look like charcoal. Like how?

I take them out the oven carefully and place them on two laid out trivets. Then grab the cupcake mixture and begin to place as medium amounts as I can into the cupcake tray before placing it in the oven.

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