Chapter 24: Not A Dream

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A day that most people dread. It signifies the end of the weekend and the beginning of a new week.

But it also makes it the 15th of May.

If I feel terrible, I can't imagine how Prem must feel. I mean I don't feel terrible, but it's not like I want to jump for joy, who would?

I just want to be there for him, I feel like it's my duty, though he is more than capable of taking care of himself. I just don't want him to put it all onto himself, I want to be the shoulder he shifts the weight of his pain onto. That's all I've ever wanted, to just be the person that he goes to when he needs to talk about something or even needs something as simple a hug.

Isn't that all one can ask for when it comes to the one they deeply care about?

Because it means so much when you are the one that they choose to come to, when you are the person that they feel the most safe and welcomed with. When they feel that they can trust you with anything and everything, and don't feel as though they'll be judged or made to feel less then they are because of what they are feeling.

And believe me, I know the feeling, and it's an amazing thing to experience and go through. You feel so happy and important.

In a way, I guess it'd feel like when your sibling chooses to come to you instead of a friend or their romantic partner if they have one. That's as best I can explain it.

They've chosen you to be the person to see them at their weakest, vulnerablest state. There's nothing quite like that feeling of trust, it's a special and wondrous feeling, it's beautiful.

And I feel so content knowing that I will be that person for Prem tomorrow.


"I can't believe it's finally happening!" Shouts Earth from the other end of the line, making me pull away from the device.

"Jesus, could you maybe quiet down, I'd like to naturally go deaf."

"Ugh, whatever. But still, I'm like beyond excited!"

"Your excited? I'm starting to think this is just a dream, it's just too good to be true." A sigh is heard from the other end.

"It's been painful, watching you two dance around each other, year after year after yea-"

"Okay, I get it. But it was just me dancing."

"Um, no. Boi, that heart breaker of a man liked you too, anyone could see it. Well except said heart breaker and yourself."

"Yeah I'm-"

"Don't 'yeah I'm' me. I know what I saw, and that boy had had feelings for you for a long time, he was just too dense to notice them."


"Don't 'butt' me, keep that flat as cardboard of an ass away from me."




"What did I say? I hold the power here."

"God, how does Jay deal with you?"

"The hard way."

"Oh fuck off."

"I would like to, but I'm kinda in the middle of an office and the bathrooms are just too nasty."

"How are we friends again?"

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