Chapter 32: The Old Days

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"Come on, just a little longer."

"No, I can't."

"We're so close."

"No, we n-need to slow d-down, I can't t-take it."

"Just a little longer."

"It's too mu-ch, it's b-been so l-long since I've d-one this."

With a sigh Boun motions for me to sit down on the curb next to him.

It's 6:45 in the morning and I got up at 6 to go for a run with Boun, this time it was kind of hard to deny him.

"How the Hell do you do this." I groan leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I've just gotten into a sort of routine and it's become a regular thing for me, so in turn it's an easy exercise."

"Easy my ass, I feel like I've just ran a marathon. You're lucky it's your birthday or I would never had agreed to this."

"Stop being a drama king, it's not that bad."

"For you, I don't run, or jog, and now I remember why." He laughs patting my thigh.

"But you got to admit, it was nice in the beginning."

"I guess..."

"Come on, you enjoyed it."

"Fine, it was... nice. Up until my lungs started burning."

"Yeah, I think you need to get out more."

"Did you not just hear me, my lungs were on fire."

"Yeah, and that's why you should get out more, it's not a good sign that your lungs were burning."

"Eh, I get enough exercise from just walking around all the time."

"At home and your job don't count."

"Well, unlike you, I don't need to stay in shape."

"Yeah, but I don't need to go for runs and things like that, it's not really mandatory, although I should probably be going to the gym considering my profession. But I mostly do it for fun."

"Ugh! Why!" He laughs taking my hand.

"Come on, we're almost to my apartment."

"Agh, but I don't want to get up~"

"To bad."

He stands up and dusts his pants off before extending his hand to me, and with a sigh I take it.

"How about we continue back to the apartment at a walking pace."

"Yes please." He chuckles slipping his hand into mine as we walk back to the apartment.

"But babe." I say.


"If you start going to the gym I'm dumping you. A guy with big muscles ain't my thing."


With a huff and a puff I plop down onto the couch, ready to go back to the sleep that I was so rudely deprived of.

My eyes are closed with my feet hanging over the armrest of the couch, and I can actually feel myself falling back asleep.

Well, that is until a certain noise fills my ears, that noise being my boyfriend laughing.

"What?" I ask, eyes still closed.

"Nothing, you're just cute."

"Oh yeah, what's so cute about me?"

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