Chapter 14: Want

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It's Thursday, so Prem's at work leaving just Lu and I at the apartment and I'm feeling a little sleepy.

And since I like to cuddle when I'm sleepy, I'm feeling kinda sad.

Sad as in, I'm sulking, by myself on my couch watching some random show that I mindlessly chose.

I know I'm acting like a big baby, but I can't help it. I get clingy when I'm tired.

It's been almost 5 years since my last relationship, and although I'm fine with it, I still miss some things.

Like falling asleep in your partners arms, cuddling, having those little moments together and the kisses that you share...

And it's just my luck that the person I want to do all those things with and more is living with me, is around me a good amount of the time, is physically near me all the time. And it's just so hard to hold myself back.

I just want to take him in my arms and attack him with hugs, kisses and cuddles.

I want to squish his adorable cheeks and be able to coo at him without having to hide it.

I want to be able to tell him how perfect, how amazing, how cute and wonderful he is.

Oh god.

Save me now...

What if I'm actually in-

A loud ringing eminnates from the TV taking me out of my thoughts and I sigh, bringing my attention back to the present.

I get up and switch the TV off heading to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

A yawn leaves my mouth as I look for something to eat, lazily opening and closing each cupboard.

I don't even know why I'm so tired, I didn't go to sleep late last night.

Maybe it's because of my mood, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm just feeling so damn needy today, but I guess we all have those days every now and then.

I finally decide to just make a sandwich and start gathering all the ingredients.

Butter, mayo, onion, lettuce, fetta, cucumber, salt and pepper.

I could literally eat like 20 of these sandwiches, I blame this on my mother for making me one almost every day for lunch, but oh did I love them, and still do.

I'm very close to my mother, my dad as well, but more so my mother.

She's always supported me with my choices and encouraged me to keep on fighting and to be myself no matter what.

Even when I told them I wanted to be a model, they supported me even though it was risky, because some people just don't make the cut or get miss treated, and they force you to basically starve yourself just so they can get you to look the way they want you to look, when really you just look weak and drained.

But it's what I wanted to do and they supported me. And I was lucky to be accepted into an amazing company, that actually cares about their employees wellbeing and treat them right. And for that I'm grateful.

With a smile on my face I finish making my sandwich and take a seat at the counter and a satisfied moan leaves my mouth after the first bite.

After I finish my sandwich I decide I should take a nap and head back to the lounge to take a nap on the couch.

I grab a blanket from the end of the couch and lie down, closing my eyes and slowly falling asleep.


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