Chapter 22: Professions

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A loud silence fills my head as I stand in my kitchen, back against the counter as I wait for the kettle to finish boiling.

I still haven't quite come to terms with what happened yesterday, it's like a dream, one like I've had a hundred times before. Except it's not a dream, at least I don't think so.


I was just getting out of bed to make myself something to eat since that's the only thing I'd been getting out of bed for that day. Hangovers are something I can live without thank you very much.

I had just left my room and I heard  not so soft knocks at the door.

I was pretty confused because I wasn't expecting anyone. I thought it was maybe Earth coming to check on me, although that would be weird.

But anyway I went to the door, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement, I thought I was hallucinating. Cause why in the holy hell would Prem be coming to see me at like 18:30 on a Friday. I was about to ask him why he was here and if something was wrong, but I wasn't able to finish my sentace.


"I like you."

Since I wasn't fully aware of what was going on or what he'd said I just kinda stood there, confused.


"I-I like you."

"Um, I like you too?"

"No. I mean I have a c-crush on you." He looks down at his feet while I just stare at the spot where his head had been.

This must be a dream...


"I don't understand. You like me?" He looks up, a strange look in his eyes.

"Y-yes. I like you, more than a friend."

It's a dream.

It has to be.

"Are you serious?" He nods.

"Am I dreaming?"

"I-I don't think so..."

Oh gosh...

"Are you drunk?" I ask.


"Okay, yeah um, yeah, well. I um n-need to... sit down."

I turn around and go into the lounge, I'm suddenly feeling really dizy.

As I sit down I hear the apartment door closing.

Maybe he left?

But that's not the case when a second later Prem appears in the room looking very hesitant to come further into it.

"Are y-you okay?" He asks in a gentle voice.

"Um yeah, I just have a headache."

"Oh, do you want me to get you some water?"

"If you wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not."

He walks off into the kitchen and I slump down even more into my seat, rubbing my forehead.

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