Chapter 26: Situationship

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Have you ever found yourself lying on the floor, smiling at the ceiling like an insane person.


It's just me then.

Because I am quite literally lying on the carpeted floor of my lounge looking up at the ceiling with an insistent grin that only seems to be getting bigger.

Lu lays on my chest as her cute snores resonate all through her body and onto my own, she's just the cutest little angel ever. If her and Prem were to Team up against me I'd never stand a chance.


The man of my dreams, literally.

The man I am going to be taking out on a date tonight, today, in a few hours...

And that's great and all, unbelievable actually. But there's just one problem...

I don't know where I'm taking him...

And yes, this means I am on the verge of throwing myself out of the window to avoid the conundrum that is going to occur in the ever fast coming future.

And the dream I had this morning didn't help much with my confidence either.

Long story short, I'd taken Prem out and everything was going great. He and I were holding hands, walking around town, you know, the whole cliché thing.

Then we were suddenly in a park and he was leaning in, I was leaning in. But then Kao appeared and professed his love to Prem. Then they were kissing, and Kao was proposing and then they were getting married!

Yeah, let's just say I woke up in sweats and on the verge of having a heart attack. Now that's a bad dream.

Although it was a dream, I am going to make sure we do not end up doing what we did in the dream, because you never know. At any given moment a 'Kao' could jump out of the bushes and steel your man.

Not that Prem is my man or anything, I just meant in general. Prem and I aren't even a thing yet.


God I need to think up something fast. He doesn't like going to fancy places, or fancy food or anything like that. Ugh, dammit Prem, why can't you just let me spoil you? Why?

Oh come on, I've read tons of love stories, you know. The ones that made you cry because you thought you were never going to experience those things for yourself and die alone never having had the chance to live happily ever after and instead pine over a man who is oblivious to you feelings and-

Okay, I'm getting off track.

Maybe I should ask someone for help?

But who?



I'm calling him.

Grabbing my phone in my pocket I find his contact and dial.

After a few (painfully slow) rings, there's a noise and Earth's voice is heard on the other end.

"What's up bitch?"

"Hello to you too."

"Yeah yeah, now what's up, you've been calling me a lot recently?"

"Yeah well, I need your help." He gasps.

"You need mon aide?"

"Ugh, yes."

"Okay... what ever might you need my help with?"

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