Chapter 31: Night Out

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"So, is that a yes?"

"Of course! It'll be great to spend some time with fellow homies instead of these annoying hets."

"Okay, well we're meeting up at like 6."


"You can bring Jay if you want."

"Nah, he's visiting his family this weekend."

"Okay, see you later then."

"Yep, bye bitch."


The line goes dead and I shake my head thinking about Earth's behavior. If there was an award for being sassy, he'd win first place.

But that's just how he is and it's always been that way. He's actually toned it down these past few years, but back in high school if you even dared to cross him, you'd walk away crying.

He's a loving, kind ball of fluff most of the time, just don't piss him off or dis someone he cares and loves for, or you'll regret it very soon.

It's Friday the 5th of June and the four of us decided to have the get together today and go out for dinner.

I'm not actually sure where we're going, but I'm picking up Prem and he knows, so I'll just leave the directing of our coordinates up to him.

I decided to invite Earth because it's been a while since all of us have hung out together and it just felt like tonight would be the perfect time to come together again. Don't ask me why, it just felt right.

Placing my phone down I pick up the book situated next to it and continue to read, as I had been before calling Earth.

'Turtles All The Way Down' being the name of the book. It's an amazing book and I'm having trouble putting it down. And because of that, I'm almost finished with it.

And once it's done it goes onto the bookshelf on display for those who visit to see.

Once I finish a book I never re-read it again, I don't think I've ever read a book twice, and if I have it was a long enough time ago for me not to be able to recollect the memory.

I find no use in doing it, I've already read the book, I know what's coming and how it ends. There's no point in reading it again if I already know what's coming. There's no wonder or surprise when re-reading it like the first time.

I have tried, but I always just end up forgetting and move onto another book.

Back in high school I actually used to work in a bookstore as a part time job, and I'd mostly spend my time reading behind the counter, helping customers whenever they came. But most of my time was spent reading.

I'd go into my own world, completely cut off from the world of the living. I'd become so immersed in the books that I didn't even realise it was closing time, or even know what the time was. Time seemed irrelevant while I was reading, it'd slip away like sand in the palm of one's hand.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days, where I didn't have all the responsibilities of being an adult like I do now.

Go back to the time where I could just fade away into the pages of a book and become the protagonist, and go on the same journey as them as if I were right beside them, or them themselves.

Sure I can still get immersed, but not like before, there's just something about growing up that changes everything, the way you experience or see things. Things you would have just brushed off then are critical now.

Don't get me wrong, it's amazing being an independent adult, but there'll always be a part of me that wishes I could go back to the care-free days.

Oblivious (Boun x Prem)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin