Chapter 7: The Start

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It's now Thursday and the health inspector is going to be coming around 10:30 and it's currently 8. So I'm just doing things to keep myself busy.

For example. I've been working on the lyrics for the song I showed to Boun, it's called 'With You'.

Since he told me it was probably some of my best work I've been feeling really good about it.

He always makes me feel good about my work and always has. He supported me when I told him I wanted to become a musician. He said he believed in me and that I could do it. And I'm so grateful that he did, I probably wouldn't be where I am today if he hadn't believed in me.

But I've also been working on the lyrics for her song, Nea's song.

It's a little bit hard to though, because I always get so emotional when I start writing them, making me miss her even more.

She passed away three years ago in a car accident on 16th of May 2017. And I still remember that day perfectly.

I remember being in my room, getting ready for work.

I was just about to walk out the door when my phone rang. It wasn't a number I new.


"Hello, is this Prem Warut?"

"Yes, whom might I be speaking to?"

"I'm Dr. Numithim."

"Yes, what might you be calling about?"

"Are you a friend of Nea Wittanom?"


"You were on her emergency call list."


"I am calling you to say that you're friend is currently in the hospital and has sustained majore injuries due to a car accident, and is in critical condition. She may not make it."

I remember the feeling in my chest, like it was closing up, and my mind went blank.

I could hear Dr. Numithim still taking, but it was as if he was in the background, his voice was there, but I couldn't understand a thing he was saying.

And the next thing I remember is running into a building, the hospital.

I remember asking the receptionist for her room number and running once I got the answer.

Then slowing down as I reached the door, and slowly opening it.

I remember my heart breaking when I saw her lying there, in a white gown, all sorts of machines attached to her and the tube going down her throat.

Though I knew there were all kinds of sores, scrapes, cuts and bruises on her face, I didn't see them.

All I saw was her beautiful clear skin, unharmed and as beautiful as ever.

I remember taking her cold hand in mine, begging for her to say something, anything.

I remember the doctor coming in, telling me all the things that were wrong, telling me that she was most likely not going to make it.

I remember her eyes suddenly, but slowly opening, making my heart start to beat even faster.

I remember the doctor calling someone and leaving the room in a hurry.

I remember how her hand had gripped mine, and how she smiled before I heard a loud noise and her hand slowly becoming limp in my own and her eyes closing as I started crying, calling out her name.

Begging her to stay awake, to stay.


That day I lost my best friend and it broke me.

I still wonder how I ever got over it. But I had friends that helped me, that stayed by my side, even when I told them to leave.

They made the pain slowly go away, day by day, week by week and month by month.

I still have some pain and I probably always will, but that's good. It's a reminder, that she's still with me, still in my heart. Though it makes me cry sometimes to think about her, at least I still have her in my thoughts. And that's all that really matters.

I shake my head, taking me away from my thoughts and back to the present.

I look at the time and see it's 8:30.

I must of spaced out for a while.

I decide to go for a little walk, I've always liked going on walks they calm me, and plus it'll help the time pass by.


I get back to my apartment at about 10:15, so I decide to just watch some TV then.

After a few minutes there's a knock on my door, I switch off the TV and head over to open it.

"Sawasdee krub." I say greeting the two men as I open the door.

They bow and I step aside so they can go inside.

I show them where the patch is, and it has definitely gotten bigger. I go wait in the kitchen while they do whatever it is they need to do.

About ten minutes later they come into the kitchen.

"Is it a water leakage?" I ask.

"No, not exactly. The patch on your wall is not water, but black mold. I believe the black mold is caused by a water leakage in the wall, maybe a pipe is leaking. And the thing is I think there is more black mold behind the wall. Black mold is very toxic and can kill you if you breathe it in, and because I think there might be more behind the wall you may need to get someone in to get rid of it. And also fix the water leakage to stop it from coming back."

"So I need to get someone in here it fix it, does that mean they'd have to take the wall down?"

"Yes. I think they'd even need to remove the whole wall, maybe not, but your walls are made of prefab. And you can't simply scrape it off, so I think the smartest thing to do is remove the section of the wall that is infected." I nod.

"Thanks. I'll talk to my landlord and see what we can do."

"I think it's best that you get rid of it as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you."

I walk them out and go back to the kitchen.

What am I going to do now?

This was really something to write, I hope I did a good job. What do you think is going to happen now?

And thank you for 550+ reads! I'm so happy. Like wow, thank you, it means a lot.

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