Chapter 13: New Thoughts

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Hands held together,
as strong as the bond we held~
White walls,
pale beds.
I see you there,
you're slipping away~
Walls that hold so much sorrow,
walls that hold you~
Your beautiful face,
your last smile,
it all slips away with your strength.
I'm forgetting and it breaks me,
it broke me.
But I'm fighting,
and I'm smiling,
cause I know you're happy and that's
all I need,
need to know~

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I lean back against the chair I sit on.

It's just me in the apartment, Boun had a shoot to go to and then a couple meetings.

And well, I've got to work on my music. So I decide to work on the lyrics for 'Soulmate'.

Of course that means I have to fight back the urge to cry.

I loved her, the love we had was true love, not the love you feel for a romantic partner, but a best friend. Someone who will be there for you no matter what, will love you no matter what, and I miss that.

And I know a lover can also give you that sort of love, but it's never the same, not really.

Another sigh escapes my lips and I get up from the chair in the room I'm staying in for the time being.

I head into the kitchen to get some water and then head to the lounge.

I find Lu on the floor next to the couch as she sleeps peacefully, but wakes up at the sound of me walking in.

"Hey girl, you feeling tired?"

I sit next to her and she comes to sit in my lap closing her eyes again, making me chuckle.

"You're a lot like Boun, you know that?"

Her ears perk up at the mention of Boun's name and her eyes open, but close again when she realises that he's not actually here.

"He was also lazy all the time back in high school, but he's actually changed quite a bit since then. He was a total nerd and bookworm, a cute one though." I chuckle a bit.

"He never failed to make you laugh, even if he had to do weird things. I remember this one time where your uncle Fluke wasn't feeling well because he thought that uncle Ohm didn't feel the same way he did. He hadn't smiled or laughed in days, so you know what your dad did? He took a whole red chilli the size of his pointing finger and ate it! You know what his reaction was? He literally screamed and ran right out of the school and jumped right into the fountain." I laugh at that last part.

"But you know what? He said he never regretted it, not even once, because it brought a smile to his best friends face again, and that was all that mattered, even if it did partly damage his oesophagus. And you know what? Not even a week later he and I caught your uncles making out behind the school."

I smile at the memory and lean my back against the couch.

Boun really is an amazing guy and anyone would be lucky to have him.

I just wonder who that someone'll be?


It's now just past 1 so I decided to take Lu for a walk to the park, since Boun'd also usually take her out at this time.

The park has a few people in it today, but not too many.

I take a seat at the bench we sat on last time, and I assume the one Boun always sits on. I take Lu's collar off and she goes walking off.

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