Chapter 16: Hidden Signs

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Cute little sounds can be heard throughout the apartment as I play with Ellie, aka, my beyond adorable niece, though she may not be by blood, but she is in my heart.

"Okay, what sound does this animal make?" I ask pointing to the cow in the book.

"Moo." She says making me laugh.

"Yes!" I clap my hands making her smile.

"Okay, and this one?" I flip the page and point to a sheep.

"Arr." I chuckle.

"Close angel. It sounds like this, baaa." As I make the sound I tickle her and she squeals falling forward into the carpeted floor and she giggles even more.

I laugh and pick her up putting her in my lap.

"What about this?" I point to a chicken.

She looks at the picture then back up at me, her brows creasing making a cute frown.

"That's a chicken, it lays eggs that help us make lots of things. Like cake, bread, or you cook them on their own to make many different things. But those eggs can also turn into little baby chickens that are called chicks or peeps. A male chicken is called a rooster and a female is called a hen." She continues to look at me as though I'm crazy.

"And they go eRReRReRR!" She smiles and claps her hands again.

"You're too precious!" I give her a kiss on the head and we continue looking at the animal pictures.

"Are we having some family bonding time, hmm?" Asks Prem walking in.

Ellie starts clapping once she sees him and he smiles.

"Is that uncle Prem, can you say Prem?"

"Em." She says pointing to him making us laugh.

"What about uncle Boun, can you say Boun?" She makes a cute thinking face.

"Own!" She says laughing and bouncing in my lap.

"I'll give it to her, it's not the easiest name for a baby to pronounce."

Lu comes in tale wagging and decides to sit in Prem's lap. Prem and I both start laughing.

"You got yours, I got mine." He chuckles.

Ellie notices Lu and makes a gasping sound. Then crawls out of my lap to go greet Lu.

She sits in front of her and reaches her arm out to touch her head.

"Hello." She says in a gentle yet quiet voice, making Prem and I both melt at the sight.

"That's Lu, say Lu."

"Oo." She says petting her.

For the next half an hour Ellie plays with Lu and all you can hear are squeals and nonsense noises mixed in with random words.


A few knocks sound at the door and Prem gets up to go greet his sister.

"Hi!" They both say and moments later Jean is coming though into the lounge.


"Hello my angel."

She sits on the couch next to me and I move Ellie on to her lap.

"Did you miss me sweetie?" She gives her a hug and slightly rocks her.

Prem takes a seat across from us and smiles.

"I hope she wasn't too much trouble?"

"She was literally like the opposite, she was a literal angel."

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