Name Pronunciation Guide

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The world of Naine Mithale is comprised of several countries, each with its own language, culture, and subcultures. Some countries even have regional languages or dialects. Below is a brief introduction to the many languages found throughout Naine Mithale.

Most of the terms shared within this volume come from the language of Gael-Narenth (called Narenthian), which is often considered the 'common tongue' of Naine Mithale. The countries of Celianam and Unwredh also use Narenthian – due mostly to the country's historical reach of influence.

Narenthian was derived from Sélidhan, though there has been a drastic shift from the original tongue within the last two thousand summers. In the current age, Sélidhan is used most often by followers of Feridh and any elf-kind who hold to ancient customs. It is one of the three 'Old Tongues'. Common rules of Sélidhan pronunciation are as follows:

ae – this is pronounced as ay, with the 'y' being subtle, almost as an afterthought

celi – the pronunciation of this prefix relies completely upon the letter following it. If the letter is a vowel (as in Celianam), it is pronounced sell-yih-. However, if the letter following is a consonant (as in Celik), the pronunciation becomes key-lih-.

dh – the 'dh' is pronounced much the same as 'th'. These are often used interchangeably in the common tongue, but Sélidhan almost exclusively uses 'dh'.

v – when found at the end of a word, the 'v' is pronounced as a 'b'

wr – this letter combination is pronounced ihr

Two other languages which see a brief introduction in this volume are Shekkholian and its sister-tongue Veshtírian – the languages of Si-ol. These languages were derived from Rgroshtaak and share a similar sentence structure, as well as certain words or phrases. However, Shekkholian has been heavily influenced by the languages of Fekklorn and Pemme-Rinne and has strayed farther from its origins than has Veshtírian.

The rules of pronunciation for Shekkholian and Veshtírian are challenging to convey in written text alone. These languages have a throaty, guttural quality which is difficult to transliterate, and there are many nuances to the pronunciations. A basic list of pronunciation rules is as follows:

aa – pronounced as a deep 'ah'; voiced at the back of the throat

gr – this letter combination is not found in Shekkholian but is used frequently in Veshtírian. It is roughly pronounced as a deep, throaty growl

kh – pronounced as a type of fricative; it is said as an 'h' with a somewhat phlegm-y sound at the start

kk – pronounced as a hard 'k' sound, with a subtle fricative ending if followed by a vowel

kkh – pronounced in a similar manner to 'kk' but with a harder fricative ending

rr – pronounced as a trilled 'r'

tt – pronounced with a 'hard' 't' sound; if unaccustomed to the language, one could almost confuse this sound with a 'ch'

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